SUMMARY Logic and Reasoning
Premise->Conclusion Formal/Deductive Logic: “Form” Argument: Premise->Conclusion Formal/Deductive Logic: “Form” Validity “Content” (Premise) Factual Correctness Soundness
Formal/Deductive Logic: “Form” Validity F -> F F -> T Valid But Not Sound (vacuous truth) T -> T Valid T -> F Invalid
Formal/Deductive Logic: “Form” Validity F -> F F -> T Valid But Not Sound (vacuous truth) T -> T Valid T -> F Invalid “Broken promise”
Formal/Deductive Logic: “Form” Validity F -> F F -> T Valid But Not Sound (vacuous truth) T -> T Valid T -> F Invalid (e.g., “all non-UP students studying full time in UP are intelligent” is true)
Informal (not form): content, delivery Fallacies Formal: “form” Informal (not form): content, delivery An argument is valid if and only if every argument with the same form is also valid.