1.Introduction The inaugural Global Standards Symposium held on 20th October 2008, just before WTSA-08, was attended by about 500 delegates and addressed by Ministers, Secretary General/ITU and the Director/ITU-T. The need, desire and rationale for holding the Symposium stemmed from Resolutions of 2006 Antalya Plenipotentiary as well as ITU Council. The symposium themes centred around: bridging the standardisation gap; identifying key challenges in the standardisation landscape and global standards collaboration. 2
2.Bridging the Standardisation Gap The value and importance of the ITU decision to make Recommendations available free of charge on-line. The linkage between global ICT standards and lowering of prices payable by consumers. Global inter-operability is key to bridging the gap Because of the centrality of ICT’s in economic and social development,bridging the gap is more than a technical issue. Adopting some of the principles currently used in Universal Access;broadening stakeholder involvement and involving research as well as Unversities in standardisation processes may well be useful new strategies to consider for adoption.
Bridging the Gap contn’d The important linkage between the Internet economy and bridging the standardisation gap. The session benefitted from country case studies in respect of Korea, China,and South Africa.
3.Global Standardisation Challenges The need and importance of involving developing countries in the process of standards development. The positive impacts and potential negatives of standards on product innovation and market dynamism. The need to ensure that conformance to standards leads to inter-operability.
Global Standardisation contn’d Should an open approach to standards that allows for adoption of neutral procurement policies through which agencies and businesses chose the best software and business models for their specific needs be considered as apossible option? Should accessibility and assistive technologies be subjected to competition in the industry? Drastic rise in connected people will lead to huge traffic increase and this has implications on optimisation of network architectures.
Global Standardisation contn’d Key needs of: reducing overlaps and complexities in different standards bodies, focus on agreed priorities, addressing internet time challenges and synchronisation of different bodies based on agreed overall architectures. Development of a new standardisation landscape that:fosters coherence of activities, promotes ‘complementarities’ and not ‘competition’ and ensures strong stakeholder commitment.
Global Standardisation contn’d The importance of echo-architecture and eco-literacy on ICT if sustainability is to be achieved. Global climatic change poses new challenges and opportunities for standardisation work.
4.Global Standards Collaboration ..Convergence has accentuated the need for collaboration between standards development organisations. Methods of work like simplified approvals procedure and portals for electronic working on standards can enhance success. Regional Co-ordination of similar standards can be very effective in promoting the work on standardisation. Enhancement of collaboration can be effectively achieved through use of seminars.
Standards Collaboration contn’d It was noted that the provision of free access to standards by ITU,offering of remote access and relocation off meetings as well as programs of regional fora had enhanced participation in the overall standardisation process.
5.Conclusion Symposium rated as successful,with several good ideas and different viewpoints having been shared. General consesus on the need to include research institutions;involve developing countries and pay special attention to capacity building. The need to improve on efficiency of collabobration between various standards bodies. Building the bridge will work best when there is complementary action from both sides.
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