The Canada Forum on Geospatial Standards February 19, 2019 1300-1400 EST
Agenda Introduction to the Canada Forum 2018 Activities Report 2019/2020 Planned Events Proposed 2019/2020 Work Plan Options Open Discussion Next Steps and Close Background Created based on consultation with the Canadian community, beginning with a summit held in St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador, in June of 2017. More Information is available at the public Wiki Graphic Summarizing the St. John’s, 2017 Summit Results
A Platform for.. Collaboration and Consensus Identification of Priority Issues Outreach Market Development Cross Community Collaboration Capacity Building Remote Communities
Charter Members AE Inc. Size AE Inc. CAE Computer Research Institute of Montreal (CRIM) Compusult Ltd. Cubewerx Inc. Ecere Corp. Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) Esri Canada Ltd. Fisheries and Marine Institute (Memorial University of Newfoundland) Mohawk Council Kahnawake Mount Royal University Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) Internal Services Department - Geographic Information Services (Province of Nova Scotia) NewfoundView the PYXIS innovation SensorUP Teledyne CARIS Tesera Systems Inc. University of Calgary
Co-chairs Aurelian Constantinescu, CAE Inc. Bradford Dean, Mohawk Council of Kahnawake Andy Hoggarth, Teledyne - CARIS Tom Landry, Centre de Recherche Informatique de Montréal /Computer Research Institute of Montreal Cameron Wilson, Ressources naturelles Canada/ Natural Resources Canada Spell them out
It’s a Big Tent - Room For all!
2018 Activities Formal approval by the OGC community, April 2018 Focus – Sustained informal consultation with the Canadian community (plus international dimension) Formal approval by the OGC community, April Soft launch, OGC meetings, Fort Collins, CO, June Indigenous Mapping Workshop, Montreal, August CCOG / Canada SDI Summit, Whitehorse, October GeoAlberta, Edmonton, October Geomatics Atlantic, Halifax, November ESA Phi Week, Frascati, Italy, November Informal meeting of Canadians, OGC Meetings, Charlotte. NC, December The key take-away from 2018 interaction with the Canadian Community was “Interested but what are the next steps/how can my organization help? “.
2019/2020 Calendar Key Event – Work towards a Face-to-Face and remote meeting during the OGC September meetings in Banff 40th Canadian Symposium on Remote Sensing & Geomatics Atlantics 2019, Fredericton, June, 4 to 6 Open Government Partnership (OGP) Global Summit, Ottawa, May 29-31 GeoIgnite/ Standards Policy Workshop side event (TBC) – Ottawa, June 18/19 International Geoscience and Remotes Sensing Symposium, Yokohama, Japan, July 28 to August 2nd Indigenous Mapping Workshop, August 112th OGC meetings, Banff, AB, September 9-12th, Host U of Calgary and SensorUp (plus others TBC) Geomatics Alberta, Red Deer, November 13 -14 2020 – 115th OGC Meetings, Montreal, QC, June, Sponsored by CAE Inc
Workplan Options (1) Innovation Show Case Communications Support Workplan Options were collected based on consultation from April 2017 to December 2018 Innovation Show Case Schedule and participate in an innovation showcase as a side event at the OGC meetings in Banff, in September - Theme based with a standards and interop focus Call to forum members; Volunteers to create a group that would refine and plan this event. Communications Support Create and manage social media and web presence, with content curation (e.g. application showcases) . Contribution of resources to support and maintain Themes should be issue based ( e.g. Climate Change, Maritime Awareness, Public Safety etc.)
Workplan Options (2) Sandbox Outreach Scope a national cloud based sandbox, inclusive of tools, data, how to guides (e.g. building blocks) to encourage and support capacity building, collaborative projects, and support the developer community (Virtual Geospatial Standards Innovation Lab?) Call to forum members; Volunteers to create a group that would refine this concept and check for feasibility Outreach Connect to a broader range of markets ( e.g. Superclusters , non- traditional markets to highlight the impact of Geospatial data and interoperability on the Digital Economy Volunteers to support outreach and improved language for messaging
Workplan Options (3) Support open standards The Government of Canada Directive on Management of Information Technology - Mandatory Procedures for Enterprise Architecture Assessment enables interoperability with open standards. These procedures took effect on December 1, 2018 Currently Canada has 3,227 web services that publish 78,500 data layers* Call to forum members; Enable interoperability by exposing functionality as standardized web services, open standards based architectures, and procurement practices Move from discovery and visualization to analytics, big data and cloud environments * Source: Natural Resources Canada, February 2019 Directive on Management of Information Technology; Appendix C - Mandatory Procedures for Enterprise Architecture Assessment
Workplan Options (4) Data Stacks for Indigenous Communities Outcome from the NRCan sponsored user needs assessment is a clear need for a stack ( GeoPackage?) of data (and maybe tools) relevant to a community, a need for capacity building and plans for sustainability. An exemplar stack should be available in time for Banff Meetings Call to forum members Consider contributing to other “Stacks”, with the idea that the Banff meeting would include the presentation of the Inuvik stack, and a discussion of gaps and next steps. Indigenous Leadership Group Work to establish an Indigenous Geospatial Leadership Group, to meet at a summit during the OGC meetings in Banff, inclusive of NGOs . Call to Forum Members Volunteers to help scope and establish the leadership group A Key outcome from the NRCan sponsored user needs assessment is a clear need for a stack ( GeoPackage?) of data (and maybe tools) relevant to a community, a need for capacity building and plans for sustainability. An exemplar stack should be available in time for Banff Meetings Consider creating other “Stacks”, with the idea that the Banff meeting would include the presentation of the Inuvik stack, and a discussion of gaps and next steps. Work to establish an Indigenous Geospatial Leadership Group, to meet at a summit during the OGC meetings in Banff, inclusive of NGOs . Potential topics could include; The Data Stacks, standards and interop, and sustaining the process, Nation to Nation collaboration for data sharing and capacity building, unified requirements collection, First nations entrepreneurs, use cases from the Mohawk Council and Ttioweroton communities as per Bradford.
Workplan Options (5) Trade Mission Create a showcase of Canadian private sector capabilities for use in domestic and international markets , revive the Team Canada approach and explore a trade mission(s) and/or domestic road shows Call to forum members; Volunteers to assist in refining the showcase concept, and work with government partners for a potential trade mission Joint Canadian offering - standards based Explore the possibility for the creation of a joint offering by commercial members to leverage advanced Canadian capabilities Volunteers to create a group that would refine this concept and check for feasibility Andy - e.g. Can DGGS Schedule and participate in an innovation showcase as part of the OGC meetings in Banff, in September . The showcase potential focus would be standards based applications/themes (e.g. Climate Change, Smart Cities, Marine, SDI, floods, and disasters) and technology (Radar, Ship tracking, Sensors, Machine Learning/AI), relevant to domestic and international issues. Create a showcase of Canadian private sector capabilities for use in domestic /international markets (explore reviving the Team Canada approach for the latter – trade mission in 2020?) Call to forum members; Volunteers to assist in refining the showcase concept, and work with government partners for a potential trade mission
Workplan Options (6) Increase activation of the University and Research communities Determine key needs and work items. Potential work items include; Training of High Qualified Personnel, work-integrated learning Technology transfer Providing operational research tools and platforms Better management of shared infrastructure Open Source, Open Data, Open Standards, Open Science Sharing funding opportunities (RFI, CFP, ITT, research grants, challenges, etc.) Others ? Call to forum members; Volunteers to help scope a potential workplan items Open science is the movement to make scientific research (including publications, data, physical samples, and software) and its dissemination accessible to all levels of an inquiring society, amateur or professional.[2] Open science is transparent and accessible knowledge that is shared and developed through collaborative networks.[3] It encompasses practices such as publishing open research, campaigning for open access, encouraging scientists to practice open notebook science, and generally making it easier to publish and communicate scientific knowledge.
Open Discussion on Work Item Options Innovation Show Case - Banff Volunteers to design and plan this event. Communications Support Resources to support and maintain Sandbox Volunteers to scope and check feasibility Outreach Volunteers to support Government Standards Community of Practice Develop network of geomatics open standards practitioners and policy leads Data Stacks for Indigenous Communities Contribute to other “Stacks” Indigenous Leadership Group Volunteers to help scope and establish Trade Mission Volunteers to assist in refining the concept Joint Canadian offering Increased activation of the University and Research communities Volunteers to help scope a potential workplan items Ideas , Comments, Contributions
See you in Banff! OGC Meetings, September 9 – 13, 2019, Banff Center Gather feedback - ask if community is interested in meeting again in a few months Image Source ( Jan 25, 2019 ):
Contact Details Co-Chairs Facilitator; Aurelian Constantinescu Bradford Dean Andy Hoggarth Tom Landry Cameron Wilson Facilitator; Trevor Taylor Public Wiki for the Canada Forum Sigh up for the Canada Forum List Server