Read 15.2 and answer ?’s 1-3 (p. 422) in Notebook. assignment Read 15.2 and answer ?’s 1-3 (p. 422) in Notebook.
The executive office of the president (E.o.p.)
E.O.P. Individuals and agencies that directly assist the President. Created by FDR in 1939. 1500 members – most work in the west wing.
Purpose of the e.o.p. Obtaining quickly and without delay all pertinent information…so as to guide him in making responsible decisions, and then when decisions have been made, to assist him in seeing to it that every administrative department and agency affected is promptly informed. FDR
Reason for the e.o.p. The President needs help. His immediate staff assistance is entirely inadequate. He should be given a small number of executive assistants who would be his direct aides in dealing with the managerial agencies and administrative departments. 1937
Key figures Chief of Staff, Deputy Chief of Staff, White House Counsel, and Press Secretary. They basically do what the President asks of them.
Executive privilege The right of a President to refuse to testify before, or provide info. to, Congress or a court. Not everything that goes on in the White House needs to be public knowledge???