Histograms and Box Plots Days 6 - 10
How long did it take you to get to school this morning? After you finish the Warm-Up, write the number of minutes it takes you to get to school on a stick note really BIG so that everyone will be able to see it!
Histograms Histograms are used to organize quantitative information. When creating a histogram from raw data, create a frequency table first, then use it to create the histogram.
Steps for Creating a Histogram: Using your data, decide on the interval you want to use for your histogram (be sure they are all the same size). Create a frequency table from the data. Draw and label your x- and y- axes. Remember that the y-axis is always labeled “Frequency.” Draw each bar using your frequency table.
How long did it take you to get to school this morning? Frequency Table Interval Tally Frequency
What is the age of the youngest person in your household? Frequency Table Interval Tally Frequency
“Grab the whale by the tail” Shape and Center Measures of Center: Mean and Median Shape: Skew Left, Skew Right, Mounded/Normal “Grab the whale by the tail”
Determine the shape of each Histogram:
“Creating Histograms”