Seven times punishment Revelation 12 : 5-6 - 1260 days Revelation 12 : 13-14 - 3½ times ≈ 1260 days 1260 days ÷ 3½ times = 360 days / time 7 times = 2520 days. We read in Lev 26 that punishment was to last 7 times
Seven times Punishment In 745 BC the King of Assyria attacked the most northern tribe of Manasseh. 745 BC + 2520 years = 1776 AD Declaration of independence. Formation of USA. 743 BC Assyria forced Manasseh to pay tribute. 743 BC + 2520 years = 1778 AD France declares war on England, relieving the Americans. Closer to freedom. 1781 AD America defeated England 1783 AD peace treaty signed ending war of independence. 1787 AD Constitution of USA drawn up.
Seven times Punishment In 732 BC King of Assyria took all Manasseh captive 732 BC + 2520 years = 1789 AD Constitution accepted and first President was George Washington. So Manasseh lost control and regained it. And within a few years, England had a more prosperous trade than before. So England benefited too.
Seven times Punishment In 723 BC Samaria was captured 723 BC + 2520 years = 1798 AD A group in Ireland revolted unsuccessfully, demanding independence from England. 721 BC King of Assyria conquered all of Israel 721 BC + 2520 years = 1800 AD Ireland’s parliament was dissolved and the United Kingdom was formed with the capital in London. Started with fragmentation and poverty, and ended with unity and prosperity. In 1800 Washington became the official capital of the USA. Israel lost their capital of Samaria and were restored with two (London and Washington). Because God said “I will gather them”.