It’s All About Bread Mark 8:1-21
The Bread Section Mark 6:30-8:21 Feeding the 5,000 Walking on water Eating with unclean hands Throwing the children’s bread to the dogs Healing a deaf and mute man Feeding the 4,000 No more bread until ch. 14
There is Enough for You Should you take the children’s bread and throw it to the dogs? Another crowd gathers and Jesus has compassion on them They are in a more remote place, the situation is more desperate They eat, and are satisfied, and there is an abundance of leftovers They are most likely a predominantly gentile crowd The Miracle of the Loaves and Fishes James Tissot
There is Enough for You Too Can you show us a sign from heaven? Pharisees and Herodians appear and put Jesus to the test They have seen signs, but want one “from heaven” Their request exposes what is wrong with their thinking
Don’t Get That Mixed up Beware the yeast of the Pharisees Yeast makes its way through the whole loaf and changes everything Once it’s in, you can’t take it out again The Pharisee’s view of God is without compassion and ultimately leads to them rejecting God’s own son Yeast cells visualised under a scanning electron microscope