Manifesto ..a written statement declaring publicly the intentions, motives, or views of its issuer
You will be…….. Writing a manifesto that focuses on sustainable living Focusing on a specific audience for your manifesto which will be evident by the look, language and feel of the manifesto
Examples Dali Lama’s Manifesto – Instructions for Life The Holstee Manifesto The Lulu Lemon Manifesto
What is sustainability? The ability to meet the needs of today without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs. Economy Environment Humanity “Enough – for all, – forever”
You can….. Work with a partner Use any medium that is appropriate for the purpose (eg. video, art, photos, skit, etc.) Include as many points that you feel will get your message across effectively
Assessment Purpose and intended audience is clear from look, language and feel of manifesto Evidence of good critical thinking Understanding of the concept of sustainability 15 marks – LA Representing 5, LA/SS Critical Thinking 5, SS Knowledge and Understanding
Time Allowance One week – so manage your time carefully and don’t get carried away How is Friday, September 12th for presentation date? REMEMBER – the topic is sustainable living