Greek & Latin Vocabulary 14 ali, fid, ped, sat, viv
ali, all, alter: (Latin, Greek, Latin) other, different alibi the defense by an accused person of having been in another place at the time an alleged offense was committed alloy two metals combined that result in another, different metal alter ego another side of oneself Other words: alias, allegory, altercation, alien
faith, true fid, fed: (Latin) confederate fidelity affidavit a person united for a purpose with others (who have faith in him and each other) fidelity loyalty, faithfulness affidavit an official written declaration of what is true Other words: “Adeste, Fideles,” bona fide, confidant “Adeste, Fideles” is “Oh, Come, All Ye Faithful.” Confederate pic is 1917’s Confederate Veteran Reunion in Washington.
foot ped, pod: (Latin, Greek) pedicure biped podiatrist professional care and treatment of the feet biped animal that has two feet podiatrist doctor who specializes in disorders of the foot Other words: tripod, pedestrian, pedal Do not confuse with “ped” that means “child.” Gastropod (slug, snail) – literally, “stomach foot”
enough sat: (Latin) insatiable satiety saturate unable to get enough, never satisfied satiety the state of being satisfied to the point of boredom saturate to soak or imbue thoroughly or completely Other words: satisfy, sate, satiate satiety—suh-tie-uh-tee
life, alive viv, vita: (Latin) vivacious joie de vivre vitality lively, animated joie de vivre (French) joy of living vitality exuberant physical strength or mental vigor Other words: vivid, vitamin, revive, survive
Summary ali fid, fed ped, pod sat viv, vita other, different faith foot sat enough viv, vita life, alive Sources: Google images
Vocab Libs (Week 21) It’s such a ________ (adjective, lifelike) memory that I will never forget that day—I was just walking down the street, minding my own business, daydreaming. I spent the entire day before reading the new Alex Cross novel and giving my faithful dog, ________ (proper noun), a bath. I could almost hear the detective’s clumsy, heavy foot slam on the brake _________ as his car screeched to a halt next to me on the street. I found myself handcuffed, face pressed against the wall, listening to my Miranda rights being read by the out-of-breath detective, the air becoming _______________ (imbued thoroughly) by the stench of sweat, fried food, and cheap cologne.