Why did Britain become more democratic? Quick recap quiz
List 5 characteristics of a democracy Universal suffrage, free and fair elections, choice of parties, opportunity to become MP, parliamentary accountability, access to information, payment of MPs, equal constituencies, regular elections How was British society organised in 1800s? Hierarchical class system
Give 3 reasons why attitudes towards working classes changed Skilled working classes educated themselves, mixing in Great War, textile workers accepted pay cut rather than process slave produced cotton, people turned out to hear politicians speak, read newspapers, kept themselves informed, people like David Livingstone, Mary Slessor etc=models What did the middle and skilled working class do to gain themselves the vote? Joined pressure groups eg National Reform Union, National Reform League to press for change. Women set up and joined Suffrage societies. Joined trade unions, set up Labour Party
List 4 ways in which the industrial revolution changed Britain The way people lived, worked, urbanisation, growth of towns and cities, wealth became centred in urban areas rather than land ownership(how was that different from before btw?) in a nutshell explain what ‘gaining political advantage’ means It is when one political party does something in the hope of stealing votes from another.