Why do we study geography? So we don’t look like this Video
5 Themes of World Geography
What is geography? “Geo”- earth, land “Graphy”- the study of How – and why – things differ from place to place on the surface of the earth
Predominant religions around the world
Weather, Climate: Earthquakes, Hurricanes
Population Clusters
Spatial relationships between places: trade
Spatial processes: commuting and urban form
5 Themes of Geography
Location ???: Where is ____? Where is ____ relative to where I am or another place? The absolute & relative position on the earth's surface Sample terms: Latitude and longitude, direction, distance, scale, compass rose Skills: Map reading, identification
Relative (in relation to) Location cont. Absolute (exact) Relative (in relation to) Latitude Horizontal lines Steps of a ladder 0 degrees latitude (Equator) Longitude Vertical lines Go from pole to pole 0 degrees longitude (Prime Meridian) Ex: 32o N, 105o W Use Compass Rose Ex: El Paso is north of Juarez Never Eat Waffles Soggy
L ocation
Place ???- What does ____ look like? Why? How is it different from ____? The distinctive and distinguishing physical and human characteristics of locales Sample terms: Physical and cultural landscapes, sense of place Skills: Description, compare and contrast
L ocation P lace
Humans vs. the Environment ???- What human-environment relationships are occurring? How do they affect the place and its inhabitants? Adapt to it Change it Sample terms: Ecosystems, natural resources, environmental pollution Skills: Evaluation, analysis
Adapt- Eskimos, type of clothing Change it- Transmountain Road
H uman - E nvironment Interaction L ocation P lace
Movement ???- Why are things where they are at? Will it continue to change? What does it mean for the places involved? People, goods, ideas Sample terms: Migration, diffusion, globalization Skills: Explanation, prediction
M ovement H uman - E nvironment Interaction L ocation P lace
Region ???- how is this area connected Formal region- defined by a common characteristic Functional region- central place and its surrounding area Perceptual region- how they perceive themselves Skills: Synthesis, application
Formal- Ex. Corn belt Functional- Ex. LA Freeway system Perceptual- Bible Belt
M ovement R egion H uman - E nvironment Interaction L ocation P lace
Assignment Part I- Functional regions help people that live there I V E T Human characteristics are apart Place M S Use the guiding questions and your notes to make a bubble map showing the 5 Themes for El Paso
Human-Environment Interaction 5 Themes Bubble Map El Paso Location Place Human-Environment Interaction Movement Region