Rocking with the stars Raiania lee Rocking with the stars Raiania Lee
e Rock cycle Rocks can change by heat and pressure. The weathering breaks down the rock and erosion take it away.
Igneous Igneous rocks are formed when melted rock cools and hardens. A Scoria rock. It cools quickly and it has air pockets. A Granite rock cools down very slow. The way I know is that the cooling pockets of magma that were trapped beneath the earths surface. Obsidian cools down quickly it cools above ground.
Sedimentary It breakdown smaller pieces of rock and minerals. Flint is made of chalk. Limestone it builds the ocean floor. Conglomerate rock but it is still a sedimentary!
Metamorphic Rocks! Schist is a metamorphic rock original. Slate is used to make chalk. Eclogite is used for to make jewelry
I hope you enjoyed the rock cycle Finally I hope you enjoyed the rock cycle