Essential Question: What is the composition of rocks and how are they formed? Standards: S6E5b. Investigate the contribution of minerals to rock composition. S6E5c. Classify rocks by their process of formation. S6E5d. Describe processes that change rocks and the surface of the earth.
Composition of Rocks Minerals Rock fragments (smaller pieces of other rocks) Organic matter (remains of organisms and their wastes) Other natural materials
Rock Cycle Shows the three types of rock and the processes that form and change them
Use the Rock Cycle Diagram
Let’s start with what you’ve learned so far…
How do Igneous Rock form? Cooling
How do Metamorphic Rock form? Heat & Pressure Heat & Pressure
How do Sedimentary Rock form? Compaction & Cementation
Now let’s examine more ways that rocks can change
How would an Igneous Rock change to magma? Melting
How would an Igneous Rock change to sediment? Weathering & Erosion
Read the Weathering & Erosion Summary provided by the teacher Read the Weathering & Erosion Summary provided by the teacher. When instructed, turn to an elbow partner and take turns describing each process.
How would a Metamorphic Rock change to magma? Melting
How would a Metamorphic Rock change to sediment? Weathering & Erosion
How would Sedimentary Rock change to sediment? Weathering & Erosion
Compaction & Cementation Melting Weathering & Erosion Weathering & Erosion Compaction & Cementation Heat & Pressure Cooling Rock Cycle Animation from Prentice Hall
Which process in the Rock Cycle is similar to chewing gum? With a partner, come up with an analogy for compacting of sediment. What about weathering and erosion?
Study Jams: Rock Cycle Rock Cycle Song