Wednesday November 6, 2013 Morning Work Tuesday January 28, 2014 Good Morning class! Please get yourselves settled and grab your journal and a pencil to begin your morning work! Morning Work
LA Morning Work Affixes, Base Words, Roots Some conservationists want to make a plan to protect and conserve the region. Which word has the same base word as conserve? A. contained C. protection B. constantly D. preservation Idioms “All that glitters is not gold” Denise bought a bracelet that looked great online, but when she got it, she realized that all that glitters is not gold. Define the idiom in your own words
MATH Morning Work Connie subtracted two fractions with different denominators and got an answer of 3/8. What two fractions did she subtract?
Science Morning Work Which is the best explanation for how air masses move across the United States? A The prevailing westerlies move air masses from west to east across the United States but may be deflected by the jet stream. B The trade winds move air masses from west to east across the United States. C The jet stream moves air masses from the Pacific Ocean across the United States. D The warm air of the Gulf Stream causes air masses to move from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean. Explain your choice!