Calculator methods Work out the answers to these in your head. [N4.2 Core Starter] Work out the answers to these in your head. Check that you agree with the answers you get when you use your calculator for all parts of the calculation – even for something simple like “1 + 1” – this will help you use your calculator effectively and efficiently. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Make up, and try on a friend, a really complicated calculation which has a very simple answer like the ones above. Preamble These calculations, which all have simple integer answers, give practice in mental arithmetic and experience of using calculators to perform complex calculations. Possible content Order of operations, mental calculations, efficient use of calculator. Resources Calculators. Solution/Notes 1 2) 1 1.25 4) 2 5) 0.5 6) 0.8 Original Material © Cambridge University Press 2010 Original Material © Cambridge University Press 2010