The Cold War and the Americas, 1945- 1981 Objective 4.3: Look at the causes, course and consequences of the Korean War
Warm-Up : Class Review—Truman Doctrine Read the following excerpt from the Truman Doctrine… I believe that it must be policy of the United States to support free peoples who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures…I believe that we must assist peoples to work out their own destinies in their own way…The free peoples of the world look to us for support in maintaining their freedoms. Answer the following question…. How could have the Truman Doctrine gotten the United States involved in Korea (and Vietnam)?
“A History of the Korean War” How did the Korean War begin? Why did the United States commit itself to a military action in Korea? How/why did the war escalate? How did the war come to a close?
Document Analyses Read and summarize the documents Answer the following question using the information garnered from the documents… Why did Truman believe that MacArthur’s strategy was problematic and that he must be fired?
Quickwrite To what extent was the US involvement in the Korean War a success?