Comma Rule # 5: Quotations
The Rule Use a comma to separate the speaker from the thing said in a direct quote, unless a full stop punctuation mark is used instead. Exclamation Points- ! Periods- . Question Marks- ?
Examples Mom asked kindly “Will you go to the bank after school?” The comma needs to go outside the quotations because the speaker comes before the quote. Mom asked kindly, “Will you go to the bank after school?”
Example “Will you go to the bank after school?” Mom asked kindly. No comma is needed—There is an end stop punctuation mark already.
Example “Please go to the bank” Mom requested kindly. A comma is needed inside the quotation because the quotation comes before the speaker. “Please go to the bank,” Mom requested kindly.
PRACTICE “Watch my back” she said. “I’m going after the bear.” “Will you watch my back?” she asked. “Watch my back” she said “so I can go after the bear.” The teacher said “Please shut the door.” “Answer the phone” Mom yelled. “I am downstairs doing laundry!” Type 3: FCA: Comma Rule 3 (10 points/-2 per error) WRITE A SHORT STORY. WITHIN THE STORY, AT LEAST 5 EXCHANGES IN DIALOGUE NEED TO BE MADE, USING QUOTATION MARKS AND PROPER PUNCTUATION.