Unit Objective: To learn about and assess America’s involvement in WWI America in WWI Unit Objective: To learn about and assess America’s involvement in WWI
American Expeditionary Force Led by John Pershing
Doughboys: Nickname for the American troops when they arrived in Europe because they were so fresh to the fighting Selective Service:
Portrait of Hugh A. Ball during his enlistment in the US Army as a WWI soldier (seen as a typical American “Doughboy”, 1918).
Minorities in the war African-Americans served in the war and faced discrimination First war in which women served (non-combat roles)
War on the Homefront War Industries Board:
War on the Homefront The Government also temporarily took control of railroads (about to collapse under weight of war mobilization) and communications (to protect against sabotage)
War on the Homefront Liberty and Victory Bonds: Great Migration:
WWI War Bond Advertisements
Government worked hard to keep the public in favor of war Used propaganda to promote the war Limits placed on individual rights -Espionage Act: -Sedition Act: -Americans mostly accepted limits and remained patriotic
U.S. and French propaganda
American impact on the war: America was able to mobilize (prepare) to enter the war much faster than Germany anticipated—Germany thought they could defeat the Allies before America reached Europe and then America would have to fight Germany on its own The U.S. mobilized very quickly and did get to Europe before Britain and France fell turning the tide of the war toward an Allied victory
How did the Allies counter U-Boat Warfare? The Convoy System:
End of the war:
The armistice between the Allies and Germany was signed in a railway carriage in Compiegne Forest on 11 November 1918, and marked the end of fighting in WWI on the Western Front. Principal signatories were Marshal Ferdinand Foch, the Allied Commander-in-chief, and Matthias Erzberger, Germany's representative. It was a military agreement that marked a complete defeat for Germany, but was neither an unconditional surrender nor a treaty.
The Treaty of Versailles established the peace terms for the war in 1919