Reminders (8/10/17) Vocabulary Unit 6 Pic Quiz w/notes – tomorrow, 8/11 SIGN UP for Online Springboard Class Go to Click New to Springboard? USE THE CORRECT ACCESS CODE FOR YOUR BLOCK 2nd – IMRLTC 4th – RXYQLG Follow remaining instructions – please write down your username Things Fall Apart – Did you already read it? Or are you reading it? COMPLETED BY Monday, 8/21 Need a copy of The Tragedy of Othello (No Fear copy is OK) by Monday, 8/28
SAT Practice #2
Two Perspectives on Cultural Identity GOALS: Analyze a particular point of view regarding a cultural experience (literature and art); Compare and contrast the representation of a subject in different media
Self-Portrait on the Borderline Between Mexico and the United States (Frida Kahlo) OPTIC analysis How did the information about the artist’s life help you to understand the artwork? What is the conflict presented in the artwork? How does Frida Kahlo’s painting represent her cultural identity? (Write a claim in response)
“Legal Alien” Collaborative Reader Response Everyone needs TWO sticky notes. Individual Response – Sticky Note Identify the juxtaposition used by the narrator and what it emphasizes/reveals. Collaborative Response (groups of 4) – Best Answer How does the author represent cultural identity in the poem? Synthesis, p. 42 – Working from the Text