IV. The Domain Eukarya Overview: Origin of the Eukarya C. Diversity of Eukarya
The Opisthokont Clade IV. The Domain Eukarya E. Fungi Fungi 1. Overview: The Opisthokont Clade Fungi Choanoflagellates Animals
IV. The Domain Eukarya E. Fungi Overview: “Body Plan” http://sharon-taxonomy2009-p2.wikispaces.com/Fungi
IV. The Domain Eukarya E. Fungi mycelium Overview: “Body Plan” http://www.rhizomes.net/issue15/groves/index.html mycelium http://www.ipm.iastate.edu/ipm/hortnews/node/98
IV. The Domain Eukarya E. Fungi Big mushrooms Overview: “Body Plan” Big mushrooms Earliest fungal-like fossils (septate networks) date to 1.4 bya, lived in benthic marine habitats. Fungi remain important decomposers in marine and freshwater ecosystems Colonized land in Cambrian, before plants; maybe as lichenous symbiotes. Prototaxites of the Silurian was 8m tall and 1m wide! http://scienceblogs.com/zooillogix/2007/04/giant_prehistoric_organism_ide.php
IV. The Domain Eukarya E. Fungi Overview: “Body Plan” Ecological Roles - decomposers http://www.uoguelph.ca/~gbarron/N-D%20Fungi/n-dfungi.htm http://www.mdfrc.org.au/projects/education/williamsthesis.htm http://www.ipm.iastate.edu/ipm/hortnews/node/98 http://www.carleton.ca/toxin/ http://kentsimmons.uwinnipeg.ca/16cm05/1116/16ecosys.htm
IV. The Domain Eukarya E. Fungi Overview: “Body Plan” Ecological Roles - decomposers - parasites/pathogens/predators http://www.uoguelph.ca/~gbarron/N-D%20Fungi/n-dfungi.htm http://www.plantpath.wisc.edu/PDDCEducation/MasterGardener/General/Slide12.htm http://doctorexclusive.com/?cat=126 http://herbarium.usu.edu/fungi/funfacts/ant_fung.htm
Lichens: fungus + algae or cyanobacteria IV. The Domain Eukarya E. Fungi Overview: “Body Plan” Ecological Roles - symbionts Lichens: fungus + algae or cyanobacteria http://www.elkhornslough.org/sloughlife/plants/lichen.htm Arbuscular mycorrhizae – found in 80% of vascular plant families; in oldest vascular plant fossils (Rhynie Chert – 420 mya) http://sarcozona.org/2009/03/18/what-do-you-know/
Increase absorptive surface area of root system IV. The Domain Eukarya E. Fungi Overview: “Body Plan” Ecological Roles - symbionts Increase absorptive surface area of root system Secreted enzymes increase absorption of N and P in particular Can connect to plants of different plant species, and even transfer nutrients between them One species may attract and poison insects (springtails), and digest and absorb their nitrogen (up to 25% of a plants nitrogen budget!) Present in oldest vascular plant fossils, and molecular analyses confirm an ancient association which may have been critical for plants to colonize land http://directory.leadmaverick.com/Denton-Pest-Control-Service/DallasFort-WorthArlington/TX/10/10739/index.aspx http://www.ces.ncsu.edu/depts/ent/notes/Urban/springtails.htm
Phylogeny of the fungal kingdom. Phylogeny of the fungal kingdom. Major fungal groups colored as indicated by text to right. Diamonds indicate evolutionary branch points, and their approximate dating (bottom), captured by fungal genomes sequenced in or in progress. Galagan J E et al. Genome Res. 2005;15:1620-1631 ©2005 by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press
IV. The Domain Eukarya E. Fungi Overview: “Body Plan” Ecological Roles Generalized Life Cycle Fungal Diversity http://sharonapbio-taxonomy.wikispaces.com/Fungi
IV. The Domain Eukarya E. Fungi Overview: “Body Plan” Ecological Roles Generalized Life Cycle Fungal Diversity - Chytridomycota 40% of amphibian populations are in decline worldwide, probably due to a combination of climate change, pollution, habitat loss and degradation, and chytrid fugal infections. http://cisr.ucr.edu/chytrid_fungus.html
5. Fungal Diversity - Basidiomycota http://www.griswold.k12.ia.us/pcarlsonweb/fungi_kingdom.htm