HPLC-ESI-QqTOF MS Lacková Zuzana Brno 16.02.2018
Fig. 2: maXis impact weight and dimensions Fig. 1: LC/MS data system arrangement
Fig. 4: Principle of the ESI process Fig. 3: Source (spray chamber and capillary), Ion Transfer Stage (funnel 1, funnel 2 , hexapole), Q-q-Stage (quadrupole, collision cell) and TOF spectrometer (orthogonal accelerator, reflector, detector) Fig. 4: Principle of the ESI process
Fig. 6: Double Stage Ion Funnel and Hexapole Fig. 4: API interface Fig. 5: Desolvation unit Fig. 6: Double Stage Ion Funnel and Hexapole Fig. 7: Analytical Quadrupole and Collision Cell (Q-q-Stage) Fig. 8: TOF mass analyzer
CURRENT STATE AND AIMS FOR THE FUTURE absorption maximum at 272.5 nm Blanc (water) problem with impurities suppressing analytes problem with sample spraying problem with dirt in the source Gallic acid (50 µg/ml) Gallic acid (10 µg/ml) Fig. 9: Chromatogram from HPLC-PDA analysis
CURRENT STATE AND AIMS FOR THE FUTURE absorption maximum at 272.5 nm Blanc (water) column: Zorbax Eclipse AAA (4.6x150 mm; 3.5 µm) mobile phase A: water + 0.1% HCOOH, mobile phase B: methanol + 0.1% HCOOH gradient: 0 min 10% B → 15 min 70% B → 20 min 100% B → 22 min 100% B → 22.02 min 10% B → 30 min 10% B (STOP). Gallic acid (50 µg/ml) Gallic acid (10 µg/ml) Fig. 10: Chromatogram from HPLC-PDA analysis analysis of GSH, GSSG, SAM and SAH in urine samples
acknowledgment Mgr. Roman Guráň, Ph.D. RNDr. Ondřej Zítra, Ph.D.
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