Do You Know how to Create a Good PowerPoint or…


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Presentation transcript:

Do You Know how to Create a Good PowerPoint or…

do you suck at it?

On average, there are 350 powerpoint presentations happening around the world per second. !@#$ $%&! $%#@ *&!$ *&@% !@#$

99% Sadly, of those presentations suck!

Most of the time, that’s because of …..YOU

Most presenters tend to use PowerPoint as a crutch when presenting.

Fortunately, using PowerPoint well and effectively, is an easy fix.

RULES FOR GOOD POWERPOINTS (Please apply these to your upcoming presentation slides)

Remember… This NOT This You are to give a presentation; your role is not to display and click through a document for an audience.

Rule 1. No more than 10 words per slide…EVER Don’t’ vomit your text onto slides…

Aim to include only ONE point per slide. Cut out irrelevant crap

Rule 2. Don’t use cheesy clip-art graphics

Select interesting graphics that relate to your content and can act as cues for your discussion.

Rule 3. No… Dissolves Spins Animations sound effects Or…

Rule 4. Use size 30 font and keep fonts clean, simple and easy to read.

Rule 5. Keep slides simple and consistent. Use a simple design. Make sure colors are not distracting and text is easy to read.

Don’t overkill with bullet points

Remember who your audience is and aim to be interesting.

If anyone can click through your PowerPoint and make sense of the info…WHY ARE YOU EVEN THERE????

You can use cue cards or notes to make sure you know your material