What are Ethics? Ethics are principles of right conduct, sometimes called morals. Where do you learn ethics? Should ethics be taught in school?
The FFA Code of Ethics FFA members conduct themselves at all times to be a credit to their organization, chapter, school, community and family. As an FFA member, I pledge to: Develop my potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success. Make a positive difference in the lives of others. Dress neatly and appropriately for the occasion. Respect for the rights of others and their property.
The FFA Code of Ethics FFA members conduct themselves at all times to be a credit to their organization, chapter, school, community and family. As an FFA member, I pledge to: Be courteous, honest and fair with others. Communicate in an appropriate, purposeful and positive manner. Demonstrate good sportsmanship by being modest in winning and generous in defeat. Make myself aware of FFA programs and activities and be an active participant.
The FFA Code of Ethics FFA members conduct themselves at all times to be a credit to their organization, chapter, school, community and family. As an FFA member, I pledge to: Conduct and value a supervised agricultural experience (SAE) program. Strive to establish and enhance my skills through agricultural education in order to enter a successful career. Appreciate and promote diversity in our organization.
The FFA Jacket The FFA Jacket should be … Worn only by members Kept clean and neat Worn on official occasions with the zipper to the top. The collar should be turned down and cuffs buttoned. Note: It may be worn informally and unzipped Worn by members at school and other appropriate places
The FFA Jacket The FFA Jacket should be … Worn without school letters and insignia of other organizations Discarded when it becomes faded Worn with the member refraining from the use of tobacco and alcohol while it is on Worn with three medals showing. The top: FFA degree FFA office FFA award