III.4 THE PHYSICAL SEPARATION OF SUBSTANCES A. HAND SEPARATION: a mechanical mixture can be separated by hand or sieve or magnet
B. FILTRATION: separation of solids from liquids (mechanical mixtures & suspensions; NOT solutions ) Filtrate = liquid that passes through Residue = material remaining on filter paper
C. EVAPORATION: separates the solid from a liquid solution by boiling away the liquid (evaporation) and leaving the solid behind. D. DISTILLATION: separates liquids in a liquid-in-liquid solution. boil away the liquid with the lower boiling point then condense back to collect in a separate container (= distillate)
Distillation Apparatus:
E. SOLVENT EXTRACTION: Two ways: 1) extracts a solid from a mechanical mixture of solids by using a liquid (solvent) that only dissolves one of solids 2) extracts a dissolved liquid (or solid) from a liquid solution by using a separatory funnel Terms: Miscible: 2 liquids that are mutually soluble in each other Immiscible: 2 liquids that are insoluble in each other
Solvent (liquid )Extraction:
F. RECRYSTALLIZATION: when the solid in a solid-in-liquid solution is separated in a pure and crystalline state (impurities are removed) a saturated solution of a solid is allowed to slowly evaporate (saturated –dissolved as much solid as it can) G. GRAVITY SEPARATION: separate desired solids from a mechanical mixture based on their densities Sometimes uses mechanical shakers or centrifuges
H. PAPER, COLUMN and THIN-LAYER CHROMATOGRAPHY: When a solid-in-liquid solution is separated based on solubility contains 2 or more dissolved solids which are coloured or can be reacted to form colour
Paper chromatography
Column chromatography QUESTIONS: p. 58 # 45- 58