A Christmas Carol Act 1, Scene 3
Focus At the end of this lesson we will have discussed the first ghost, and addressed its’ impact on Scrooge.
Predictions for Act 1, Scene 3 What information has Dickens / the playwright given to us about what will happen in the next scene? What predictions do you have, regarding what will happen to Scrooge?
Whole class reading Follow along, as we start to read Act 1, Scene 3.
Questions to Consider At the start of the scene how does Scrooge feel about the events of the previous night? The Ghost of Christmas Past is barely described? Why do you think this is? If you were directing the play how would you present the ghost? Sketch an image of the ghost, based on what you know of the plot and your predictions for the scene.
Questions to consider What do you suppose the Ghost of Christmas Past will show Scrooge? What purpose will looking at Scrooge’s past serve?
Whole class reading Continue following along as we read the next section of Act 1, Scene 3.
Questions to consider Where do they go? What is Scrooge’s first reaction? Who do they encounter? How does Scrooge feel about the people he encounters? Who is the ‘solitary child’? What is he doing?
Plotting the Changes In Scrooge How has Scrooge changed?? As part of an on going activity, you will be asked to explain how the four ghosts help to change Scrooge. We will track his progress in point form, as a class. Please see file, entitled ‘Plotting Changes in Scrooge’