Bristle Bot Project by: jackson thomas
Scientific Question what kind of bristle will go the fastest?
Background i choose this project because i love robots.i've always wanted to build a robot and not i can so it will be a lot of fun.i also choose this project because it will be fun to show to the class.
Hypothesis if i try straight bristles then it will go the fastest because its straight and will stay up
variables Independent: the type of bristles Dependent: how fast the bristlebots will go constants: the type of motor,distance,track
procedures 1.set up track 2.set up bots 3.get timer ready 4.let bots race to a certain distance(12inch) 5.stop the time when they cross the finish 6.record your data
DATA The straight bristle bot was the slowest out of the two the slanted bot:7.28 The straight bot:10.05 The slanted bristlebot was the fast out of the two
conclusion 1.What bristlebot will go the fastest? experiment is about racing two bristlebots on a 12inch peace of paper.I wanted to masure how fast they can go aginst eachother. 3.the bristlebot with the straight bristles got done in 10.05 sec.and the one with slanted bristles got done in 7.28 my hypothesis did not match the results it was the complete because my hypothesis was for the steight bristlebot to go the fast but…. the slanted bristlebot had the fastest time and was the best. 5.i learned that you can have so much fun with the simplest things to make .and i learn that the expensive tooth brushes are worth it!!!!!! 6.a problem i had was being able to get the tape on the toothbrush so i used hot glue. i would not change anything different this project was fun!!