Careers in insurance research project


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Presentation transcript:

Careers in insurance research project Template and Handy Guide

Introduction Explain what this is and what you have done – i.e. A presentation providing information about available careers in insurance Why is this information, this assignment, these processes important? What benefit(s) is/are provided?

Careers in General Discuss careers in insurance in general. How is the field changing? What different industries are there careers in? Where are the most opportunities? What are important skills to have?

Selected Career – What They Do Provide a brief description of what it is this career “does”. Your description should answer the following questions: Who do these people work for/serve? What do they do for them? How does this benefit/impact society on a large scale? Include a brief list of essential duties this career routinely completes (4-7 duties)

Selected Career – How Do You Become One? This slide is meant to explain the process of becoming employed in your selected position. Be sure to include answers to the following questions: How much education is required? If a degree/certification is required explain. On-going education What are essential skills needed to succeed in this position?

Selected Career – Work Environment Who are the largest employers of this career? Explain the work environment for this career Physical setting Typical hours/work schedule Co-workers A lot vs. a little? Similar positions or variety?

Selected Career - Outlook and Pay Is your career in demand? Explain. Are there any industries in which this field is growing/declining more than others? Any geographical locations where this career is more in-demand? What are some things that are expected to change for this career in the next 5 years? 10 years? How much does this career pay? Provide average, high, and low salaries How does this compare to similar jobs? To all jobs?

Selected Career - Reflection Good things about this career Bad things about this career Is this something you want to do, you’d be willing to do, or you would never do? Explain

Resources Create a page that shows all resources used in gathering information for this project.