Les adjectifs
are used to describe nouns and pronouns
Masculine nouns have masculine form adjectives Xavier est blond. Le garcon est intelligent.
feminine nouns have feminine form adjectives Alice est blonde. La fille est intelligente.
This is called a noun-adjective agreement or L’ accord
Masculine adjective + e feminine adjective BLOND + E BLONDE In a written French, feminine adjectives are usually formed as follows: Masculine adjective + e feminine adjective BLOND + E BLONDE Exception: If the masculine adjective has an e already, the feminine form stays the same Le garcon est stupide. La fille est stupide.
Pronunciation: A. Masculine…… do not pronounce final consonant (unless the word ends in –e) B. Feminine…. Pronounce final consonant because the e will usually follow it Masculine: Feminine: BLOND BLONDE PETIT PETITE
POSITION: Unlike English… many French adjectives follow the noun that they modify EX. John est un garçon americain. La fille brune est française.