Swine Earnotching Tutorial Right Ear -Litter Left Ear - Individual 81 9's 9's 27's 3's 3's 1's 1's The right ear is used for the litter ID. The left ear is used for the individual ID. Right and left are established as the pig’s right and left. Click each screen with your mouse to move to the next screen.
Each ear is divided into Swine Earnotching Tutorial Right Ear -Litter Left Ear - Individual 81 9's 9's 27's 3's 3's 1's 1's Each ear is divided into four quadrants. No more than two notches per quadrant are allowed. The 81 notch is an exception to the rule, only one 81 notch is allowed in the right ear.
Swine Earnotching Tutorial Right Ear -Litter Left Ear - Individual 81 9's 9's 27's 3's 3's 1's 1's When reading an ear -notch on a pig, you always say the litter number first, followed by the individual number.
Swine Earnotching Tutorial Right Ear -Litter Left Ear - Individual Let's Practice 3+1 1+1 ANSWER: 4-2
Swine Earnotching Tutorial Right Ear -Litter Left Ear - Individual Let's Practice 27+9+3+1 3+3+1+1 ANSWER: 40-8
Swine Earnotching Tutorial Right Ear -Litter Left Ear - Individual Let's Practice 9+3 81+1+1 ANSWER: 83-12
Swine Earnotching Tutorial - For advanced earnotching, a 27 notch in the pigs left ear, counts as a 200 notch for the right ear An 81 notch in the pigs left ear, counts towards the right ear. for example, a pig with two 81 notches ( one in each ear) would count as 162 towards the litter number.
Swine Earnotching Tutorial Right Ear -Litter Left Ear - Individual Let's Practice 3+1+1 200+9+1 ANSWER: 210-5
Swine Earnotching Tutorial Right Ear -Litter Left Ear - Individual Let's Practice 9+1 81+81+1 ANSWER: 163-10
Swine Earnotching Tutorial Thanks for viewing our earnotching tutorial !