Vocabulary Book B Unit 5 By Rachel Feliciano
Iota ADD- ounce, grain Highlight: (n.) a very small part or quantity Synonym- speck, bit Iota ADD- ounce, grain
Maul ADD- beat up, trample Highlight- (v.) to beat, handle roughly (n.) a heavy hammer Synonyms- manhandle Maul ADD- beat up, trample
Potential ADD- hidden, implied Highlight: (adj.) possible, able to happen (n.) something that can develop or become reality Synonyms- possibility Potential ADD- hidden, implied
Radiant ADD- beaming, shining Highlight : (adj.) shining, bright Synonyms- glowing, brilliant Radiant ADD- beaming, shining
Highlight: (adj.) relating to farm areas and life in the country Synonyms- countrified Rural ADD- simple
Substantial ADD- big, large, hefty Highlight: (adj.) large important; major, significant; not imaginary Synonyms- considerable Substantial ADD- big, large, hefty
Tactful ADD- courtious, polite Highlight: (adj.) skilled in handling difficult situations or people, polite Synonyms- skillful Tactful ADD- courtious, polite
Tamper ADD- change, meddle Highlight: (v.) to interfere with; to handle in a secret Synonyms- fool with, mess with Tamper ADD- change, meddle
Highlight: (adj.) last, final; most important or extreme Synonyms- farthest, furthest Ultimate ADD- closing
Uncertainly ADD- unevenly Highlight: (n.) doubt the state of being unsure Synonyms- doubtfulness, unsureness Uncertainly ADD- unevenly