Ms. Brantley Sept. 24-28 ASSESSMENTS HOMEWORK IMPORTANT DATES. ELA-Thursday Math-Friday 1st Nine Weeks Post-tests in Math and ELA will be next week. HOMEWORK MONDAY: Math sheet TUESDAY: ELA Review sheet for Assessment 4. WEDNESDAY: Get test folder signed. Math sheet. THURSDAY: Math review sheet for Assessment 4. Parents: Just a reminder that school starts at 7:50. It’s important that students arrive on time. Thank you for your cooperation. IMPORTANT DATES. Spirit Week-10/01-10/05 Homecoming-10/05-School will dismiss at 12:00. Fall Break-October 8th and 9th Report Card Day-October 9th (students are out of school) READING NEWS REMEMBER to study September Most Common Words! Parents: Listen to your child read for 10 min, each night.