Rangeland Overview
What Are Rangelands NOT Farmed Dense Forest Entirely barren ARE Covered with rock, concrete or ice ARE Grasslands Shrublands Woodlands Deserts
What Are Rangelands Rangelands nearly encompass half of the Earth’s surface and usually have the following qualities: limited precipitation sparse vegetation sharp climatic extremes highly variable soils frequent salinity diverse topography
What Are Rangelands They are extremely diverse in landscapes including: Prairies, plains, grasslands, swards, steppes, pampas, shrublands, scrublands, woodlands, savvanahs, deserts, semi-deserts and arid lands
What Are Rangelands 4 Main Types of Rangelands Grasslands Shrublands Woodlands and Savannas Deserts
So How Much is There?
So Why Isn’t Everyone Happy? Because of their “Multiple Uses” Livestock vs Wildlife Recreation and Aesthetics Water Natural Resources
Left Side Questions Rangelands are not: farmed, dense forest, entirely barren. Describe barren “rangelands” Describe dominate plants in each 4 types of rangelands. Rangelands have various names and encompass nearly ______________________ amount of earth Why isn’t everyone happy about the use of rangelands?