AQA – GCSE History – Paper 1 UNDERSTANDING THE MODERN WORLD Walking Talking Mock This resource is strictly for the use of member schools for as long as they remain members of The PiXL Club. It may not be copied, sold nor transferred to a third party or used by the school after membership ceases. Until such time it may be freely used within the member school. Copyright permissions are being sought and therefore the enclosed sources may be subject to removal and change. All opinions and contributions are those of the authors. The contents of this resource are not connected with nor endorsed by any other company, organisation or institution. This resource has been created using the Sample assessment materials produced by the exam board.
Section A: The first SIX questions will be on: Understanding the Modern World Period Study which you’ve been taught from the following list: Option A: America, 1840-1895: Expansion and consolidation Option B: Germany, 1890-1945: Democracy and dictatorship Option C: Russia, 1894-1945: Tsardom and communism Option D: America, 1920–1973: Opportunity and inequality
Important prompt words Question 1 – How does Interpretation A differ from Interpretation B about…? Explain your answer using Interpretations A and B. (4) For Example: How does Interpretation A differ from Interpretation B about the changing role of women? Key Requirements of the Question: Find two differences on the topic between A and B Support your points of difference with specific detail from the interpretations 2 sentences 5 minutes in total Important prompt words Differ - This requires you to pick 2 differences between A and B Interpretations A & B - Make sure you focus your analysis on the correct interpretation Changing role of women - This is the topic of the question (i.e. what you are using the interpretation to find differences about)
Question 1 – How does Interpretation A differ from Interpretation B about…? Explain your answer using Interpretations A and B. (4) Type of Answer: Marks Description: Basic 1-2 You can identify simple differences between the viewpoints given in the two interpretations. You do not support this with detail from the interpretations. Good 3-4 You can identify and describe the differences between the viewpoints given in the interpretations and can support this by describing the main argument each author gives to support their viewpoint.
Question 1 – How does Interpretation A differ from Interpretation B about…? Explain your answer using Interpretations A and B. (4) Step 2: WRITING Sentence 1 – Identify one difference and support it with detail from the content e.g. A gives a negative interpretation of mass production Then give a reason why, using the CONTENT of the source, that shows that the interpretation is negative e.g. A states that the reason it is negative is that there would be a loss of skilled labour as a result of mass production whereas B does not think this will happen. Sentence 2 – Identify a second difference- and support it with detail from the content as above. Step 1: THINKING CONTENT - Start by reading the interpretation. What overall viewpoint does it give? What does it tell us about the question topic? Then read the second interpretation. What overall viewpoint does it give? What does it tell us about the question topic? Now identify two differences of view that the interpretations have about a topic – where do they differ?
Important prompt words Question 2 – Why might the authors of Interpretations A and B have a different interpretation about… Explain your answer using Interpretations A and B and your contextual knowledge. (4) Key Requirements of the Question: At least 2 reasons why the interpretations differ using Nature / Origin / Purpose of the Interpretation Specific supporting factual detail 2 sentences explaining 2 reasons why they differ 5 minutes For Example: Why might the authors of Interpretations A and B have a different interpretation about the changing role of women in the 1920s? Important prompt words Why - Give two reasons why they have different views Interpretations A and B - Use both interpretations’ views in your answer Changing role of women - This is the topic of the question 1920s - Your points need to focus on their views of the role of women in the 1920s
Question 2 – Why might the authors of Interpretations A and B have a different interpretation about…? Explain your answer using Interpretations A and B and your contextual knowledge. (4) Type of Answer: Marks Description: Basic 1-2 You can identify two reasons, based on the Nature, Origin and Purpose of the Interpretation, to suggest why the interpretations might be different. Good 3-4 You can identify two reasons , based on the Nature, Origin and Purpose of the Interpretation, to suggest why the interpretations might be different and can give reasons HOW this explains why the two interpretations are different.
Question 2 – Why might the authors of Interpretations A and B have a different interpretation about…? Explain your answer using Interpretations A and B and your contextual knowledge. (4) Step 2: WRITING Write two well supported sentences Say why B has a different interpretation to A using the CAPTION ONLY e.g. B has a different interpretation to A as it is written by an historian from the 1980s Then give a reason why this means their view is different. Say why A has a different interpretation to B using the CAPTION ONLY e.g. A has a different interpretation to B as the book title is ‘The perils of prosperity’… Then give a reason why this means their view is different e.g. This title suggests that the social changes to women were more negative as opposed to the more balanced title ‘America in the 20th century’ which would explain their different interpretations of the social changes for women. Step 1: THINKING Nature - Think about what TYPE of interpretation it is, where is it published and in what style? Origin - Think about where the interpretation is from, the context of their time of writing, place, previous experience, knowledge. Purpose - Think about why the interpretation is giving the view it does, who is it aimed at and to what end?
Important prompt words Question 3 – Which interpretation do you find more convincing about… Explain your answer using Interpretations A and B and your contextual knowledge. (8) Key Requirements of the Question: Reference both interpretations Explain WHY the interpretations are / are less convincing The use of precise historical evidence to support explanation Two paragraphs Plus a judgement about which is more convincing in a conclusion 10 minutes For Example: Which interpretation do you find more convincing about Hoover’s response to The Wall Street Crash? Explain your answer using Interpretations A and B and your contextual knowledge. Important prompt words Which interpretation - You must come to a judgement about which interpretation is the most convincing The Wall St Crash- This is the topic of the question Explain – You must give reasons WHY the interpretations are convincing / less convincing Contextual knowledge - Use your understanding of the topic to support your explanation of why the interpretations are / are not convincing
Question 3 – Which interpretation do you find more convincing about… Explain your answer using Interpretations A and B and your contextual knowledge. (8) Type of Answer: Marks Description: Basic 3-4 You can support one interpretation (the one you think is the best) by making good links to your own knowledge. This will be detailed and will be well linked to the arguments put forward in the interpretations. You may evaluate the other interpretation, however this will lack detail and focus. Good 5-6 You can support BOTH interpretations by making good links to your own knowledge. This will be detailed and will be well linked to the arguments put forward in the interpretations. You will begin to make a judgement as to which interpretation is more convincing, however this will not be well explained or developed. Excellent 7-8 As GOOD , but you will also be able to reach a strong conclusion as to which interpretation you think is the best and why. You will be able to support your points with specific details from your own knowledge. You will be able to make comparisons between interpretations when evaluating which one is more convincing.
Question 3 – Which interpretation do you find more convincing about… Question 3 – Which interpretation do you find more convincing about…? Explain your answer using Interpretations A and B and your contextual knowledge. (8) Step 1: THINKING Make a Judgement For this question you are being asked to judge WHICH interpretation has the most convincing views on the topic focus, based on your subject knowledge of the time. Both interpretations have to be evaluated so you need to include two reasons for each interpretation and how convincing it is. Think about WHY one interpretation is more convincing.. You do NOT analyse the N.O.P. in this answer – you evaluate the views based on your knowledge of the time period and question focus. What does the interpretation say about the focus? – from your own knowledge of the time period does this view ring true? Is there anything in the interpretation’s view you disagree with or find unconvincing? Specific own knowledge – What evidence do you have to support your evaluation that the interpretation’s view is unconvincing / very convincing? Judgement – Which is the MOST convincing view? Why? Step 2: WRITING Paragraph 1 - Deal with Interpretation A – state if it is the most convincing. Explain how convincing the argument put forward in the interpretation is, by using your own knowledge about the topic in question and supporting your point with specific detail of the time period. Paragraph 2 - Deal with Interpretation B – state if it is the most convincing. Explain how convincing the argument put forward in the interpretation is, by using your own knowledge about the topic in question and supporting your point with specific detail of the time period. Conclusion - Reach an overall judgement as to which interpretation is more convincing and why based on the arguments put forward and how accurate these are.
Important prompt words Question 4 – Describe two … (4) Key Requirements of the Question: Reference two distinct problems / issues / causes The use of precise historical evidence. Two sentences 5 minutes For Example: Describe two problems faced by farmers in the 1930s. Important prompt words Describe – Identify and write a brief account of each problem Farmers in the 1920s – These are the topics of the question
Question 4 – Describe two … (4) Type of Answer: Marks Description: Basic 3-4 You can identify two points that are relevant to the question and can begin to give some detail to support these, although this may lack detail. Good 5-6 You can identify two points that are relevant to the question and can support these with specific and detailed evidence. Your points are well focussed on what the question is asking.
Question 4 – Describe two … (4) Step 2: WRITING Sentence 1 – First issue / problem - Identify the issue - Describe it in detail with clear factual knowledge Sentence 2 – Second issue / problem - Describe it in detail with clear factual knowledge Step 1: THINKING Think about what you know about this topic focus. Choose the two most important causes / problems / issues / actions related to the question focus. Identify what the problem / issue / cause was and then describe it using specific factual detail.
Important prompt words Question 5 – In what ways were … affected by… (8) Key Requirements of the Question: Explain 2 changes Identify briefly what the situation was before and what changed Explain the impact of change The use of precise historical evidence Two paragraphs 10 minutes For Example: In what ways were Americans affected by Prohibition in the 1920s ? Explain your answer Important prompt words Explain – Say what changed and why Prohibition in the 1920s – These are the topics of the question Affected by – Explain the impact of change
Question 5 – In what ways were … affected by… (8) Type of Answer: Marks Description: Basic 3-4 You can identify and describe one or more changes relevant to the question and can provide supporting detail/ examples. Good 5-6 You can identify and describe two or more changes and can explain the effect of these changes on ‘xyz’. You use specific detail/examples to support the points you make. Excellent 7-8 You can analyse changes and their effects e.g. by developing detailed explanations of the extent of change. This might be different effects on different groups/ positive and negative effects/ different changes & effects over time.
Question 5 – In what ways were … affected by… (8) Step 1: THINKING Groups of people – Think about what changes might have happened to that group of people – did different people within that group experience more or less change such as working class / middle class, men / women, black / white? Change – What type of change occurred? Impact – What impact did the changes have? Was it short or long term? Was it radical change or minor change? You are not required to come to a judgement. Step 2: WRITING Paragraph 1 – First change and effect Identify a key change. Give specific detail/ examples to support your point EXPLAIN the effect/ consequence this change had on different groups / if it was positive / negative / radical or minor and the impact it had on those groups. Paragraph 2 – Second change and effect - Identify another key change. Give specific detail/ examples to support your point and EXPLAIN the effect/ consequence this change had.
Important prompt words Question 6 – Which of the following was the more important reason for …? • Bullet Point 1 • Bullet Point 2 Explain your answer with reference to both reasons.(12 + 4 SPaG) Key Requirements of the Question: Consider the whole of the key event Reference both factors given in the question Explain the importance of factors in detail The use of precise historical evidence and examples Top marks – consider the extent of the importance of each factor Sustained judgement 20 minutes For Example: Which of the following was the more important reason for the Great Depression in the USA? Government Policies Social changes Explain your answer with reference to both reasons. Important prompt words Explain – Say what happened, why AND how important it was as a cause of the key focus Great Depression – This is the key event you have to assess the causes for First bullet point – Was this the most important reason? Second bullet point – Or was this the most important reason?
Explain your answer with reference to both reasons.(12 + 4 SPaG) Question 6 – Which of the following was the more important reason for …? • Bullet Point 1 • Bullet Point 2 Explain your answer with reference to both reasons.(12 + 4 SPaG) Type of Answer: Marks Description: Basic 5-8 You begin to explain the importance of the given factor or other factor(s) in relation to the question. This is supported with some factual detail. Explanations will not be fully developed. Good 9-12 You provide a developed explanation of the given factor and at least one other. This will be well focussed on the question and well supported with specific factual detail and examples. Students may begin to develop an overall judgement, however this may not be fully developed. Excellent 13-16 You will explain a range of factors (including the one given in the question) in detail. These will be well focussed on the question and well supported with specific factual detail. You will be able to make links between factors to help them reach a sustained judgement as to the relative importance of factors in response to the question. 4 additional marks for spelling, punctuation and grammar
You MUST write about both of the factors in the question. Question 6 – Which of the following was the more important reason for …? • Bullet Point 1 • Bullet Point 2 Explain your answer with reference to both reasons.(12 + 4 SPaG) Step 1: THINKING THE BIG PICTURE This question is asking you to consider the reasons behind the key developments that you have studied. These reasons can be grouped into factors You will be given 2 factors EG; Social / economic (there could be others eg Political, Cultural etc) You will need to… Think of examples of when each of these factors have influenced key developments. Explain how these factors influenced these developments. Think about how these factors might link together. Analyse and evaluate the extent of the importance of these factors. Reach an overall judgement. How important was each factor in relation to others? You MUST write about both of the factors in the question.
Paragraph 1 – Factor in the question Step 2: WRITING Introduction – Set out the key points you will write about in your essay and your overall line of argument Paragraph 1 – Factor in the question -Identify two or three examples of when this factor has been important -Explain how this factor contributed to key developments -TOP ANSWER – consider the extent of importance (limitations) and/or link to anther factor (paragraph 2) Paragraph 2 –Second factor -TOP ANSWER – consider the extent of importance (limitations) and/or link to anther factor (paragraph 3) Paragraph 3 –Optional third factor – Aiming for 9 -TOP ANSWER – consider the extent of importance (limitations) Conclusion – Explain your overall final judgement. How important was the factor in question in relation to the other factors you have written about? TOP ANSWER – the best answers will consider the interrelationship between factors and how the importance of factors may change over time
AQA – GCSE History – Paper 1 Section B MODERN WORLD CONFLICT AND TENSION Walking Talking Mock
Section B: Four questions on: Wider world depth studies which you’ve been taught from the following list: Conflict and tension, 1894-1918 - questions 07, 08, 09 and 10 Conflict and tension 1918-1939 - questions 11, 12, 13 and 14 Conflict and tension between East and West 1945-1972 - questions 15, 16, 17 and 18 Conflict and tension in Asia 1950-1975 - questions 19, 20, 21 and 22 Conflict and tension 1990-2009 - questions 23, 24, 25 and 26
Question 1 – Source … supports/opposes … How do you know? (4) For Example: Study Source G. Source G supports the Soviet Union. How do you know? Explain your answer using Source G and your contextual knowledge. Key Requirements of the Question: Identify one area where the source shows the question focus and explain why the source gives this view using your contextual knowledge. Then identify a second area where the source shows the question focus and explain why the source gives this view using your contextual knowledge. 2 sentences 5 minutes in total Important prompt words How do you know? – This requires detail from the source to support your answer Source G – Make sure you focus your analysis on the correct source Supports the Soviet Union – This is the focus of the question (i.e. what you are using the source to find out about)
Question 1 - Source … supports/opposes … How do you know? (4) Type of Answer: Marks Description: Basic 1-2 Simple analysis of source based on content and/or provenance You can identify relevant features in the source and support them with simple factual knowledge and understanding. Good 3-4 Developed analysis of source based on content and/or provenance You have extended reasoning supported by factual knowledge and understanding linked to source detail
Question 1 – Source … supports/opposes … How do you know? (4) Step 1: THINKING CONTENT - Start by analysing the source itself. What does it tell/show you? What overall viewpoint does it give? What does it tell us about the question topic? SUPPORT - Which nation / group does the source support / oppose? Think about WHAT it is in the source which tells you this. CONTEXT - Now place the source into the historical context (what was going on at the time). Use this to explain WHY the source supports or opposes a certain group / nation. Step 2: WRITING Sentence 1 – CONTENT and CONTEXTUAL KNOWLEDGE - Identify one area where the source shows the question focus and explain why the source gives this view – supporting / opposing a group - using your contextual knowledge. Sentence 2 – CONTENT and CONTEXTUAL KNOWLEDGE - Then identify a second area where the source shows the question focus and explain why the source gives this view – supporting / opposing a group - using your contextual knowledge.
Important prompt words Question 2 – How useful are Sources … and … to a historian studying …? Explain your answer using sources … and… and your contextual knowledge (12) Key Requirements of the Question: Look at the provenance and content of the sources Use your own knowledge to explain where each source is useful and its limitations Specific supporting factual detail Sustained judgement about which source is most useful 2 paragraphs 15 minutes For Example: Study Sources H and J. How useful are Sources H and J to a historian studying opinions about soviet expansion? Explain your answer using Sources H and J and your contextual knowledge. Important prompt words How useful? – Look at the provenance and content of the source - Use your own knowledge to explain where it is useful and where it has limitations Soviet expansion – This is the topic of the question Sources H and J – Evaluate both sources
Question 2 – How useful are Sources … and … to a historian studying … Question 2 – How useful are Sources … and … to a historian studying …? Explain your answer using sources … and… and your contextual knowledge (12) Type of Answer: Marks Description: Basic 4-6 The response offers some simple comments on the sources based on either content (what the sources say) or provenance (when they were written or what they are). You explain how the source(s) are useful, with some simple comments to back up the points. Good 7-9 The response gives some developed comments on how the source is useful which consider the content of the source and/or its provenance. You focus on specific areas of the source, with own knowledge and understanding to back up the points. You may put the source into context and explain what is happening at the time to show why the source is useful or not. Excellent 10-12 Your response gives developed comments on both sources which focus on both the content and provenance of the sources. It evaluates the sources to a high standard, with precise knowledge to back up points. This leads to a clear judgement about why the sources are useful.
Question 2 –How useful are Sources … and … to a historian studying … Question 2 –How useful are Sources … and … to a historian studying …? Explain your answer using sources … and… and your contextual knowledge Step 1: THINKING CONTENT- Start by analysing the source itself. What does it tell/show you? What overall viewpoint does it give? What does it tell us about the question topic? What do you know about the topic that supports or contradicts the view given in the source? PROVENANCE -Now consider where the source comes from. Who produced it? Where? For what purpose? How does this affect the value of what the source tells/ shows us? CONTEXT – Now place the source into the historical context (what was going on at the time). Consider when it was made. Is this typical of what was going on/ views of the time? Step 2: WRITING Paragraph 1- Identify and explain the ways the first source is useful and any limitations it has using the content. Then do the same for the Nature / Origin / Purpose of the source. Add a mini-conclusion evaluation how useful it is overall. Paragraph 2 - Identify and explain the ways the first source is useful and any limitations it has using the content. The do the same for the Nature / Origin / Purpose of the source. Add a mini-conclusion evaluation how useful it is overall. Conclusion - Add a conclusion coming to a judgement explaining which source is the most useful and why.
Question 3 – Write an account of…(8) Key Requirements of the Question: Explain how the causes / key features and consequences of an event led to an international crisis Explain impact of events in causing a crisis The use of precise historical evidence. Three brief paragraphs 10 minutes For Example: Write an account of how events in Berlin became an international crisis during 1948-9. Important prompt words Account – Explain what has happened in a structured, logical way in the context of the question focus Events in Berlin – Key causes / key features /consequences of the event
Question 3 – Write an account of…(8) Type of Answer: Marks Description: Basic 3-4 You give Simple analysis of causation/consequence. Answer is presented in a structured account that demonstrates specific knowledge and understanding that is relevant to the question. Good 5-6 Developed analysis of causation/consequence. Your Answer is presented in a structured and well-ordered narrative/account that demonstrates a range of accurate knowledge and understanding that is relevant to the question. Excellent 7-8 Complex analysis of causation/consequence. Your Answer is presented in a coherent narrative/account that demonstrates a range of accurate and detailed knowledge and understanding that is relevant to the question.
Question 3 - Write an account of…(8) Step 2: WRITING Paragraph 1 – Causes -Identify 2 causes -Give detail about them -Explain why they led to a an international crisis Paragraph 2 – Main features / course of the event -Identify 2 main features of what happened Paragraph 3 – Consequences -Identify 2 consequences Step 1: THINKING Key events - Think about 2 causes / main features / consequences for this event. Explain - Think about why they would lead to an international crisis at each stage.
Important prompt words Question 4 – ‘Quotation containing a key reason for an event’. How far do you agree with this statement? Explain your answer (16 + 4 SPaG) Key Requirements of the Question: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding Explain the significance of the factor in the statement Choose one other significant factor to analyse Develop a sustained line of reasoning. Come to a judgement Two paragraphs plus introduction and conclusion 20 minutes For Example: ‘The main reason for increasing tensions in the Cold War in the late 1940’s to 1950’s was Soviet expansion in Eastern Europe . How far do you agree with this statement? Explain your answer. Important prompt words Explain - Give reasons why you agree / disagree with the statement How far - Come to a judgement about the extent of change Main reason - Evaluate how far the reason given in the statement was the most significant
Question 4 – ‘Quotation containing a key reason for an event’ Question 4 – ‘Quotation containing a key reason for an event’. How far do you agree with this statement? Explain your answer (16 + 4 SPaG) Type of Answer: Marks Description: Basic 5-8 Simple explanation of stated factor or other factor(s). Your answer demonstrates specific knowledge and understanding that is relevant to the question. Simple sustained line of reasoning which is coherent, structured and relevant. Good 9-12 Developed explanation of the stated factor and other factor(s). Your answer demonstrates a range of accurate knowledge and understanding that is relevant to the question. Your answer must demonstrate a developed, sustained line of reasoning which has coherence and logical structure. Excellent 13-16 Write a complex explanation of stated factor and other factor(s) leading to a sharply-focused sustained judgement. Your answer demonstrates a range of accurate and detailed knowledge and understanding that is relevant to the question. The explanation must maintain a logical structure that is fully substantiated. 4 additional marks for spelling, punctuation and grammar
Question 4 – ‘Quotation containing a key reason for an event’ Question 4 – ‘Quotation containing a key reason for an event’. How far do you agree with this statement? Explain your answer (16 + 4 SPaG) Step 2: WRITING Introduction- Set the scene and place the question into the context of the Cold War. State your line of argument so that it can be used throughout your whole essay. Paragraph 1- Explain in detail the factor that is stated in the question and how it led to ‘increasing tensions during the Cold War’ (depending on the question). Paragraph 2- Explain in detail an alternative factor. (Remember to link the factors together and refer back to your line of argument). Paragraph 3- Explain in detail another alternative factor. (Remember to link the factors together and refer back to your line of argument). Conclusion- Write a sharply-focused sustained overall judgement that links back to the exam question. Step 1: THINKING Factors -Think about the events of the cold war in the date range of the question – jot down a few facts you know about the factor in the question. Significance - Choose one other factor relevant to the question focus and write down everything you can remember about it. Judgement - Which factor do you think is most significant and why? Think about the impact it had on international events.
AQA – GCSE History – Paper 2 Section A Thematic Study Walking Talking Mock
Section A: The first four questions will be on the Thematic study which you’ve been taught from the following list: Option A: Britain: Health and the People c1000 to the present day Option B: Britain: Power and the People c1170 to the present day Option C: Britain: Migration, empires and the people c790 to the present day
Question 1 – How useful is Source A for… (8) For Example: How useful is Source A to a historian studying vaccination? Key Requirements of the Question: Comment on the content of the source, its provenance and context Support your points with specific detail from your own knowledge Consider how the source is and is not useful Include a balanced judgement in an overall conclusion At least 3 paragraphs (1 on content, 1 on provenance and context, 1 overall conclusion ) 10 minutes in total Important prompt words How useful – This requires a judgement about what this source can tell you about the history of the time Source A – Make sure you focus your analysis on the correct source Vaccination– This is the topic of the question (i.e. what you are using the source to find out about).
Question 1 – How useful is Source A for… (8) Type of Answer: Marks Description: Good 5-6 You may progress from a simple evaluation of the source with extended reasoning supported by factual knowledge and understanding related to the enquiry point and the broader context of the thematic. You may evaluate utility either on the basis of content and/or provenance. Excellent 7-8 You may progress from a developed evaluation of the source by sustained, balanced judgements of the source (on the basis of content and provenance) supported by factual knowledge and understanding related to the enquiry point and the broader context of the thematic study.
Question 1 – How useful is Source A for… (8) Step 2: WRITING Paragraph 1 – CONTENT -Consider how the content of the source is useful -Support with details from own knowledge -Consider how the content of the source is not useful - Support with detail from your own knowledge Paragraph 2 –PROVENANCE & CONTEXT -Explain how the provenance and context of the source adds and/or detracts from the overall usefulness of the source(link to your detailed wider knowledge). Paragraph 3 – CONCLUSION - Reach an overall judgement about the overall usefulness of the source. Consider both strengths and limitations Step 1: THINKING CONTENT - Start by analysing the source itself. What does it tell/show you? What overall viewpoint does it give? What does it tell us about the question topic? What do you know about the topic that supports or contradicts the view given in the source? PROVENANCE - Now consider where the source comes from. Who produced it? Where? For what purpose? How does this affect the value of what the source tells/ shows us? CONTEXT – Now place the source into the historical context (what was going on at the time). Consider when it was made. Is this typical of what was going on/ views of the time?
Question 2 – Explain the significance of… (8) Key Requirements of the Question: At least 2 detailed explanations of significance Specific supporting factual detail Consideration of significance over time At least 2 paragraphs ( 1 per point of significance) 10 minutes For Example: Explain the significance of anaesthetics in the development of medicine. Important prompt words Explain – Say what happened AND why. Significance – What impact did this individual/event/development have over time? Anaesthetics – This is the topic of the question. Development of Medicine – Your points need to focus on how the question topic led to changes in medicine in the period of study.
Question 2 – Explain the significance of… (8) Type of Answer: Marks Description: Basic 3-4 You describe one example of significance with some supporting detail. You may begin to explain their points, however these will be undeveloped. Good 5-6 You can explain two examples of significance and can support their points with a range of relevant detail from their wider knowledge. Excellent 7-8 You can explain two examples of significance and can support their points with a range of relevant detail from their wider knowledge. You consider how significance develops over time (e.g. short –term, long-term significance).
Question 2 – Explain the significance of… (8) Step 1: THINKING SIGNIFICANCE When considering the significance of an event, individual or idea you should consider not just its importance at the time, but also whether it had any long-lasting effects or caused important changes later on. You should also consider whether these individuals, events or ideas are still relevant to us today. When preparing for your answer you should consider: - What do you know abut the event, idea or individual in the question? - How was this event, individual or idea considered at the time? - What were the immediate effects of this? (Remember this can be a positive and/or negative effect ) - What impact did this individual, event or idea have on developments later on (long-term impact) - What is the significance of this individual, event or idea today? Step 2: WRITING Paragraph 1 – Immediate significance - Explain how was this individual, event, idea received at the time - Explain the immediate consequences of these changes at the time Paragraph 2 –Long-term significance - Explain how the individual, event or idea in the question influenced later developments Paragraph 3 – Significance today - Explain how the individual, event or idea is still significant to us today
Question 3 – Compare… with… In what ways are they similar? (8) Key Requirements of the Question: Explain at least 2 similarities between events Reference both events in the question DO NOT explain differences The use of precise historical evidence Two paragraphs 10 minutes For Example: Compare the Black Death in the Middle Ages with the cholera epidemics in the nineteenth century. In what ways are they similar? Explain your answer with reference to both epidemics. Important prompt words Explain – Say what happened AND why Black Death & cholera epidemics – These are the topics of the question Similar – You are looking for aspects of each event that are comparable
Question 3 – Compare… with… In what ways are they similar? (8) Type of Answer: Marks Description: Basic 3-4 You identify and describe one similarity between both events. Some factual detail is given. You may begin to explain, however this will not be developed. Good 5-6 You can identify and explain two similarities between both events. This is supported with a range of specific factual detail. Excellent 7-8 You can identify and explain two complex similarities between both events (i.e consider similarities in wider impact of events on society, government etc.). This is supported with a range of specific factual detail.
Question 3 – Compare… with… In what ways are they similar? (8) Step 1: THINKING COMPARE For this question you are being asked to find similarities between 2 key events. YOU ARE NOT BEING ASKED ABOUT DIFFERENCES. Both events in question will be from different time periods of the thematic study. As a result, the 2 events will not be identical and the social, economic and political context of the events may be very different. To help you find similarities between what may seem like very different events, try and split the events into key themes. For example… Causes – How did the event start? Were there similar ideas about the cause? Development – How did people respond to the event? How were symptoms treated? By whom? Impacts – What was the impact of each event on people? What were the key consequences? What wider impact did events have on the politics, society, economy of the time? Step 2: WRITING Paragraph 1 – First Similarity -Identify the similarity -Give detail about event 1 -Give detail about event 2 -Explain how the two are similar -Paragraph 2 –Second Similarity -Identify another similarity Useful phrases for comparison - Similarly - In the same way - Likewise
Important prompt words Question 4 – Has… been the main reason for the development of…in Britain since… Explain your answer (16) Key Requirements of the Question: Consider the whole period of the thematic study Reference the factor given in the question Reference at least one other factor Explain the importance of factors in detail The use of precise historical evidence and examples Top marks – make links between factors Sustained judgement 20 minutes For Example: Has the role of religion been the main factor in the development of medicine in Britain since medieval times? Explain your answer with reference to the role of the individual and other factors. Important prompt words Explain – Say what happened AND why Role of religion – This is the factor you have been asked to assess the importance of Main factor – Was this the most important reason for change? Development of Medicine – Your points need to focus on how the question topic led to changes in medicine in the period of study
Question 4 – Has… been the main reason for the development of…in Britain since… Explain your answer (16) Type of Answer: Marks Description: Basic 5-8 Begin to explain the importance of the given factor or other factor(s) in relation to the question. This is supported with some factual detail. Your explanations will not be fully developed. Good 9-12 Developed explanation of the given factor and at least one other. This will be well focussed on the question and well supported with specific factual detail and examples. You may begin to develop an overall judgement, however this may not be fully developed Excellent 13-16 Explanation of a range of factors (including the one given in the question) in detail. These will be well focussed on the question and well supported with specific factual detail. You make links between factors to help reach a sustained judgement as to the relative importance of factors in response to the question. 4 additional marks for spelling, punctuation and grammar
Question 4 – Has… been the main reason for the development of…in Britain since… Explain your answer (16) Step 1: THINKING THE BIG PICTURE This question is asking you to reflect on the whole unit and to consider the reasons behind the key developments that you have studied. These reasons can be grouped into factors: War Religion Chance Government Communication The economy Ideas Science & technology The role of the individual You will need to… Think of examples of when each of these factors have influenced key developments. Explain how these factors influenced these developments. Analyse and evaluate the extent of the importance of these factors. Consider limitations (when factors may have had a negative impact on developments) and links with other factors, importance in relation to other factors, change over time (was this factor more important in one particular period or an important factor throughout the whole period?) Reach an overall judgement. How important was each factor in relation to others? You do not need to write about every factor. You MUST write about the factor in the questions and two others that you think are important.
Question 4 – Has… been the main reason for the development of…in Britain since… Explain your answer (16) Step 2: WRITING Introduction – Set out the key points you will write about in your essay and your overall line of argument Paragraph 1 – Factor in the question -Identify two or three examples of when this factor has been important -Explain how this factor contributed to key developments -TOP ANSWER – consider the extent of importance (limitations) and/or link to anther factor (paragraph 2) -Paragraph 2 – Second factor -TOP ANSWER – consider the extent of importance (limitations) and/or link to anther factor (paragraph 3) Paragraph 3 – Third factor -TOP ANSWER – consider the extent of importance (limitations) Conclusion – Explain your overall final judgement. How important was the factor in question in relation to the other factors you have written about? -TOP ANSWER – the best answers will consider the interrelationship between factors and how the importance of factors may change over time
AQA – GCSE History – Paper 2 Section B British Depth Study Walking Talking Mock
Section B: Then you have to answer four questions on the British Depth Study which you’ve been taught from the following list: Norman England, c1066–c1100 - questions 05, 06, 07 and 08 Medieval England: the reign of Edward I, 1272–1307 - questions 09, 10, 11 and 12 Elizabethan England, c1568–1603 - questions 13, 14, 15 and 16 Restoration England, 1660–1685 - questions 17, 18, 19 and 20
Important prompt words Question 1 – How convincing is Interpretation A about … Explain your answer using Interpretation A and your contextual knowledge. (8) Key Requirements of the Question: Directly make reference to the interpretation Explain WHY the interpretation is more / less convincing The use of precise historical evidence to support explanation 2 paragraphs 10 minutes in total For Example: How convincing is Interpretation A about the Norman legal system? Explain your answer using Interpretation A and your contextual knowledge. Important prompt words How convincing –Source A – Make sure you focus your analysis on the correct source Legal system – This is the topic of the question Explain – You must give reasons WHY the interpretations are convincing / less convincing Contextual knowledge – Use your understanding of the topic to support your explanation of why the interpretations are / are not convincing
Question 1 – How convincing is Interpretation A about… (8) Type of Answer: Marks Description: Basic 3-4 Basic analysis of interpretation by reasoning supported with factual knowledge and understanding based on one aspect of the interpretation. Good 5-6 Extended reasoning supported by factual knowledge and understanding of more than one aspect of the interpretation. Excellent 7-8 Developed evaluation of interpretation by complex analysis, supported by factual knowledge and understanding.
Question 1 – How convincing is Interpretation A about …(8) Step 1: THINKING For this question you are being asked to judge how convincing views on the topic focus are in this interpretation, based on your subject knowledge of the time. Think about WHY the interpretation is convincing… Does it have any factually accurate content? Does it express a certain view held by one group but not another? You do NOT analyse the N.O.P. in this answer – you evaluate the views based on your knowledge of the time period and question focus. What does the interpretation say about the focus? – from your own knowledge of the time period does this view ring true? Is there anything in the interpretation’s view you disagree with or find unconvincing? Specific own knowledge – What evidence do you have to support your evaluation that the interpretation’s view is unconvincing / very convincing? Judgement – How convincing is this interpretation and why? Step 2: WRITING Paragraph 1- -Identify areas where the interpretation is convincing -Use specific and detailed own knowledge to support your answer and evaluation of the interpretation Paragraph 2 - -Identify areas where the interpretation is less convincing Sum up how convincing you find Interpretation A
Question 2 – Explain what was important about… (8) Key Requirements of the Question: At least 2 detailed explanations of significance Specific supporting factual detail Consideration of significance over time At least 2 paragraphs ( 1 per point of significance) 10 minutes For Example: Explain what was important about reforms of monasteries for Norman England. Important prompt words Explain – Give reasons WHY Importance – Explain the significance of the impact of an event / reform / issue? Reforms of Monasteries– This is the topic of the question Norman England – Your points need to focus on how the question topic led to changes in medicine in the period of study
Question 2 – Explain what was important about… (8) Type of Answer: Marks Description: Basic 3-4 Simple explanation of one consequence. Your answer demonstrates specific knowledge and understanding that is relevant to the question. Good 5-6 Developed explanation of consequences. Your answer demonstrates a range of accurate knowledge and understanding that is relevant to the question. Developed reasoning considering two or more of the identified consequences, supporting them by factual knowledge and understanding. Excellent 7-8 Complex explanation of consequences. Your answer demonstrates a range of accurate and detailed knowledge and understanding that is relevant to the question. Extended analysis of the consequences of the stated development.
Question 2 – Explain what was important about… (8) Step 1: THINKING IMPORTANCE When considering the significance of an event, individual or idea you should consider not just its importance at the time, but also whether it had any long-lasting effects or caused important changes later on. You should think about both short and long term consequences and their impact. When preparing for your answer you should consider: What do you know about the event, idea or individual in the question? How was this event, individual or idea considered at the time? What were the immediate effects of this? (Remember this can be a positive and/or negative effect ) What impact did this individual, event or idea have on developments later on (long-term impact) What is the significance of this individual, event or idea today? Step 2: WRITING Paragraph 1 - -Write about one impact of the question focus -Explain how significant this impact was. This could be long or short term significance Paragraph 2 - -Write about a second impact of the question focus
Question 3 – Write an account of … (8) Key Requirements of the Question: Explain the impact of the causes / key features and consequences of an event The use of precise historical evidence. Three brief paragraphs Two paragraphs 10 minutes For Example: Write an account of the ways in which the feudal system changed under the Normans. Important prompt words Account – Explain what has happened in a structured, logical way in the context of the question focus The Feudal System changed – Key causes of change/ key changes – main features /consequences of the changes
Question 3 – Write an account of … (8) Type of Answer: Marks Description: Basic 3-4 A structured account . You show simple understanding of consequence(s) with supported with factual knowledge and understanding . Good 5-6 Developed analysis of change(s). You give a structured and well-ordered narrative/account with extended reasoning supported by a range of factual knowledge and understanding. Excellent 7-8 Complex analysis of changes . You give a coherent narrative/account. Complex reasoning supported by a range of accurate and detailed factual knowledge and understanding. An explanation of different impacts/ consequences of change in the broader historical context.
Question 3 –Write an account of … (8) Step 1: THINKING Key events - Think about 2 causes / main features / consequences for this event. Explain - Think about both the immediate consequences and also in a broader historical context. Step 2: WRITING Paragraph 1 – Causes -Identify 2 causes of change -Give specific factual detail about them -Explain why the changes occurred Paragraph 2 – Main features / course of the event -Identify 2 main features of what happened -Explain their short term impact Paragraph 3 – Consequences -Identify 2 consequences -Explain their impact in the broader historical context
Important prompt words Question 4 ‘The main change that ….. brought about was….’. How far does a study of … support this statement? Explain your answer. You should refer to … and your contextual knowledge. For Example: ‘The main change that Norman castles brought about was that they allowed the Normans to defend their new lands’. How far does a study of Pickering Castle support this statement? Explain your answer. You should refer to Pickering Castle and your contextual knowledge. Key Requirements of the Question: Consider the whole period of the environmental study Reference the factor given in the question Reference at least one other factor Explain the importance of factors in detail The use of precise historical evidence and examples from your environmental study AS WELL AS your own knowledge Top marks – make links between factors Sustained judgement 20 minutes Important prompt words Main change that … – Question focus - You must include this in your answer as well as other changes How far does a study of…– You must include examples from your environmental study as examples in answering this question – you must be able to show where your study supports the changes and where your study may exemplify / not other changes Contextual knowledge…– You must use own knowledge and be able to set your environmental study into the context of the broader unit of study
Question 4 – ‘The main change that …. brought about was…. ’ Question 4 – ‘The main change that ….. brought about was….’. How far does a study of … support this statement? Explain your answer. You should refer to … and your contextual knowledge. Type of Answer: Marks Description: Basic 5-8 Simple explanation of change(s). Answer demonstrates specific knowledge and understanding that is relevant to the question. Your answer demonstrates a simple, sustained line of reasoning which is coherent, structured, substantiated and explicitly relevant. Simple reasoning supported with factual knowledge and understanding of the site. Good 9-12 Developed explanation of changes. Answer demonstrates a range of accurate knowledge and understanding that is relevant to the question Your answer demonstrates a developed, sustained line of reasoning which has coherence and logical structure; it is well substantiated, and with sustained, explicit relevance. May suggest that one change has greater merit. Developed explanation of changes by extended reasoning supported by factual knowledge and understanding of the site. Excellent 13-16 Complex explanation of changes leading to a sustained judgement. Answer demonstrates a range of accurate and detailed knowledge and understanding that is relevant to the question. Your answer demonstrates a complex, sustained line of reasoning which has a sharply-focused coherence and logical structure that is fully substantiated, with well-judged relevance. Analysis of the relationship between them supported by factual knowledge and understanding of the site.
Question 4 – ‘The main change that …. brought about was…. ’ Question 4 – ‘The main change that ….. brought about was….’. How far does a study of … support this statement? Explain your answer. You should refer to … and your contextual knowledge. Step 1: THINKING THE BIG PICTURE This question is asking you to reflect on your environmental study within the broader context of the whole unit. It could require you consider aspects of the site such as: location, function, structure, design, people connected with the site, how the site reflects culture, values and fashions of the time and how the site links to important events and/or developments of the specified period. It will ask you to APPLY your knowledge of the site to a question which will consider the broader impact of for example castles. You will need to be able to discuss and analyse impacts of a broader theme, by using your environmental study as a case study , as an example to support your points. You will need to… Think of ways in which your site is typical. Explain how your site influenced other developments. Analyse and evaluate the extent of the importance of these factors. Reach an overall judgement. - How useful is YOUR environmental study in helping to answer the question?
Question 4 – ‘The main change that …. brought about was…. ’ Question 4 – ‘The main change that ….. brought about was….’. How far does a study of … support this statement? Explain your answer. You should refer to … and your contextual knowledge. Step 2: WRITING Introduction – Set out the key points you will write about in your essay and your overall line of argument. Paragraph 1- Explain how your case study does support the statement e.g. because…castle has these features… Support with own knowledge AND case study examples – setting your case study into the broader historical context. Paragraph 2- Explain how your case study does not always support the statement e.g. However there are other features of Norman control such as harrying of the North which are not part of castle Pickering which shows its limitations in helping us to understand Norman control Paragraph 3- Give another reason why your case study does not always support the statement Conclusion- Explain your overall final judgement. How important was the factor in question in relation to the other factors you have written about? Explain how good an example your case study is of the question focus e.g. Therefore how good is Pickering Castle in helping our under standing of how Normans controlled the north ?