The Peac/e method
The Acronym PEAC/E is a method for answering questions P Point - State your point using a topic sentence from the question. E Example - add an example or a claim “lift a line” cite text-based evidence A Analysis - tell the reader why this quote proves your point – this should answer the question “so what?” C /E Connect / Extend - sum it up with a concluding sentence, then you can judge whether or not it’s appropriate to use a personal connection to extend. * text to self * text to text * text to world
P Point
A Analysis
Analysis Analysis
C Connect
E Extend a personal connection
C/E Connect / Extend You should judge whether or not its appropriate to make a personal connection for your answer in the paragraph. Examples: * text to text * text to world * text to self you could compare it to a book you have read, something in the news, a movie or documentary you have seen, or something you have experienced, etc.