LESSONS LEARNT AND 2019 RESPONSE PLAN WORKSHOP Maiduguri, Nigeria Friday, December 7, 2018
3 . CCCM & Shelter/ NFI sector commitments on AAP Established two way communication with beneficiaries, Information helpline ( Inter-agency call centre) to provide information and record complaints, AAP including Communication with Communities (CwC) & Complaint and Feedback mechanisms (CFMs) reflected in partnership agreements/ reporting, Portion of funding designated for establishment of CFMs, Sensitization on Rights based assistance, AAP messages integrated in all existing information provision, AAP/CWC focal persons in all regions, For project appeals, AAP reflected as scoring criteria in HRP, AAP/ PSEA training for all field staff conducted.
Logistics/ procurement Community engagement/ AAP Shelter/NFI discussion Thematic Challenges Lessons learnt Logistics/ procurement Community engagement/ AAP Vulnerability reduction Lessons Learned Good Practices 1. Community involvement in land selection - Land assessment with the affected population prior to delivery of shelter assistance. - Continuous advocacy through the sector (engagement with the government and responding agencies 2. Use of local means of Measurement 3. 4. Having an indepth understanding of the situation before response delivery In-depth assessment by the sector 5. Adherence to site plans 6. Improve on data collection (DTM)
DMS/CCCM discussion thematics CHALLENGES AND LESSONS LEARNT Reception management Site facilitation and camp management support Site upgrade and decongestion Fire management Community participation and engagement Feedback Mechanism