Geography of Italy Long narrow peninsula Apennine Mts. Divide east and west – less rugged than in Greece Fertile plains for farming – support a large population Rome – good central location on river with access to sea but far enough and high enough to be safe Geography of Italy
Latins – herders and farmers. Spoke Latin, an Indo-European language. Greeks – settled on coast and in Sicily. Grew lives and grapes. Passed on alphabet and architecture styles Etruscans – had the most influence in early Rome. Turned Rome into a city, togas were used as dress, organized Roman army People of Italy
Started with monarchs – 7 of them, three were Etruscans Overthrew last king and established a republic Republic = leader is not a monarch and certain citizens have the right to vote. This led to 300 years of conquering other peoples and expanding Rome Early Government
Livy – Roman historian wrote stories to teach Romans the virtues that made Rome great - Believed in duty- courage, and discipline 1. Good diplomats – allowed extensions of Rome to control their own affairs but crushed rebellions without hesitation 2. Great military – good strategy and determined even in defeat 3. Law and government – did not to build perfect government – changed their government as problems arose Rome’s Success
Government of Rome Divided into two groups (orders) Patricians – great landowners, ruling class Plebeians – less wealthy landowners, craftspeople, merchants, and small farmers Both could vote but only patricians elected officials Chief executive officers were the consuls and praetors Consuls – 2 chosen to lead Roman army Praetors – in charge of civil law Government of Rome
Senate – 300 patricians who served for life Senate – 300 patricians who served for life. Advise government officials and had the force of law Centuriate assembly – people’s assembly Council of Plebs – group of Plebs only with Tribune of Plebs as the head. Goal to protect the plebeians Gov’t Cont
System of Law Greatest gift to the Mediterranean First law code was the Twelve Tables – based on farming community but gave basis for sophisticated civil law Law of Nations – natural or universal law. Controlled both Romans and conquered lands. Innocent until proven guilty Defend yourself against a judge Look at evidence carefully System of Law