Wednesday, September 3rd, 2014 Standard: Draw evidence from the text; Produce clear and coherent writing. Target: Students will write, produce, and role play Gilgamesh. They will review the story and remember key details from the text. Warm-up: Journal Activator: Student YouTube Video Work Session: Role Play Script Closing: Turn in Script
Warm-up Journal 16: How do you feel about group work? Do you think that grading group members is fair? What if you are the only one that does all the work?
Work Session Students will get into groups of 4 and start to write out their own Gilgamesh role play. They will have to write a five minute script that will be presented tomorrow. Students will receive these guidelines: 1) Every group member must participate 2) Each group only needs one script. This script will be turned in for a grade at the end of class today. 3) If your group wants to modernize Gilgamesh feel free to do so, just don't forget to follow the original plot! 4) Tomorrow you will be PRESENTING!!
Please turn in your script Closing Please turn in your script