Historical Understanding I Colonial History Days 1-2 Africa Historical Understanding I Colonial History Days 1-2
AFRICA Historical Understanding Standard: SS7H1 Students analyze continuity and change in Africa leading to the 21st century. a. Explain how European partitioning across Africa contributed to conflict, civil war, and artificial political boundaries.
FIRST FIVE Agenda Message: Deadline for all Missing assignments is Friday March 8th. Standard: Explain how European partitioning across Africa contributed to conflict, civil war, and artificial political boundaries. Essential Question: Monday March 4th; European colonialism drew artificial boundaries to manage Africa’s natural resources. What was the result? Warm-up: What are the five contributing factors to Africa’s polluted water problems? Today We Will: Start African History (Colonies & Natural Resources)
ANSWERS E.Q. Answers for Monday March 4th: Just as in SWA, artificial boundaries drawn by European powers led to conflicts & Civil Wars throughout Africa. Warm-Up: Pesticides, fertilizers, human waste, storm water runoff, mining, and manufacturing byproducts all contribute to water pollution in Africa.
FIRST FIVE Agenda Message: All late/missing assignments must be turned in by this Friday, March 8th. Standard: Explain how European partitioning across Africa contributed to conflict, civil war, and artificial political boundaries. Essential Question for Tuesday March 5th: When did African groups begin to challenge European colonial rule? Warm-Up: Name the two main reasons European countries were interested in Africa? Today We Will: Read aloud blue notebooks pages 65-66 answer questions 191-200 as a class. Read individually page 68 answer questions on page 69.
ANSWERS E.Q. Answer for Tuesday 3/5/19: Immediately after World War II Warm-Up: Protection of trade routes and Africa’s natural resources
FIRST FIVE Agenda Message: Friday, March 8th deadline for all late & missing assignments. Weekly Writing Prompt #5 assigned today on African Freedom Fighters. Due Monday March 11th. Standard: Explain how European partitioning across Africa contributed to conflict, civil war, and artificial political boundaries. Essential Question for Wednesday March 6th: What was the Pan-Africanism nationalism movement? Warm-Up: After the end of the Atlantic-slave trade what continued Europe’s interest in the African continent? Today We Will: Read aloud blue notebooks pages 65-66 answer questions 191-200 as a class. Read individually page 68 answer questions on page 69.
ANSWERS E.Q. Answer for Wednesday 3/6/19: Pan-Africanism is a worldwide movement that aims to encourage and strengthen bonds of solidarity between all people of African descent. Warm-Up: Africa’s rich natural resources including gold, diamonds, platinum, iron ore, coal, lumber, rubber and eventually uranium
Weekly Writing Prompt #5 The struggle for Post-colonial freedom during the Pan-African movement was led by these icons whose legacies have continued even after their deaths. Here are seven African revolutionaries and leaders that are most celebrated by Africa and whose ideals laid the foundation for the political and economic progress of their respective countries. Kwame Nkrumah Patrice Lumumba Thomas Sankara Nelson Mandela Steve Biko Robert Sobukwe Gamal Abdel Nasser
Weekly Writing Prompt #5 Instructions Write a minimum of one paragraph about the contributions of two of these African revolutionary icons. Each student is also required to cover a third person who must be Nelson Mandela. Answer the following: What was their contribution to the struggle for Africa’s freedom. Which country was their focus. What organization did they work through or help form.
FIRST FIVE Agenda Message: Tomorrow is the deadline for all late & missing assignments. Copies of Weekly Writing Prompt #5 assigned Wednesday are on the website. Standard: Explain how European partitioning across Africa contributed to conflict, civil war, and artificial political boundaries. Essential Question for Thursday March 7th: What was the basis for the Rwandan Civil War (1990-1994) between the Hutu and Tutsi? Warm-Up: Which European settlers first came to the region we now know as South Africa in the 1600’s? Today We Will:
ANSWERS E.Q. Answer for Thursday 3/7/19: Conflicts resulting from warring ethnic groups thrown together by the Dutch into the same arbitrarily drawn borders. Warm-Up: The Dutch arrived first in the early 1600’s followed some 200 years later by the British.
FIRST FIVE Agenda Message: TODAY is the last day to turn in late/missing assignments. CDA-IV Study Guides go home today. Test date is March 15th. Standard: Explain how nationalism led to independence in South Africa, Kenya, and Nigeria. Explain the creation and end of apartheid in South Africa and the roles of Nelson Mandela and F. W. de Klerk. Essential Question: Friday, March 8th: Name three important decisions President F. W. de Klerk of South Africa made in 1990. Warm Up: What is the definition of “Nationalism”? Today We Will: Complete Apartheid System of South Africa Mandela’s election as first black President of South Africa
ANSWERS E.Q. Answer for Thursday 3/7/19: DeKlerk allowed the African National Congress to function as a legal political party Next, he released Mandela from prison, and finally He began the process of ending the Apartheid System Warm-Up: Advocacy for the political independence of oppressed people or cultures.