Kamran Marashi, P.E., S.E. Jim Schettler, P.E., S.E. Oakland Army Base Redevelopment Preliminary Condition Assessment and Evaluation of Army Wharves 6 ½ and 7 Overview Kamran Marashi, P.E., S.E. Jim Schettler, P.E., S.E. December 1, 2011
Agenda ITEM TOPICS Introduction J. Schettler Design Criteria J. Schettler Evaluation and Methodology K. Marashi Findings and Recommendations K. Marashi ROM Cost Estimate Summary J. Schettler Path Forward / Questions J. Schettler / K. Marashi 2
Location: Wharf 6 ½ (Berth 8) & Wharf 7 (Berth 7) 1. Introduction Location: Wharf 6 ½ (Berth 8) & Wharf 7 (Berth 7) 3
Location: Wharf 6 ½ (Berth 8) & Wharf 7 (Berth 7) 1. Introduction Location: Wharf 6 ½ (Berth 8) & Wharf 7 (Berth 7) 4
1. Introduction Wharf 6 ½ (Berth 8) 5
1. Introduction Wharf 7 (Berth 7) 6
2. Design Criteria Future Uses Option #1 – Limited Action Current Condition w/ Limited Capital Cost 10 year expected live with annual maintenance Option #2 – Original Capacity Rehabilitate to original capacities 25 year expected life Option #3 – Upgrade to Modern Facility Break-bulk Facility (1000 psf live load) 30 year expected life Option #4 – Wharf Replacement Modern Wharf 50+ year expected life 7
3. Evaluation and Methodology Wharf 6 ½ Wharf 6 ½ Deck Plan Condition Assessment Ratings: SOFFIT 4 TOP PILES 5 PILE 6 BULKHEAD CONNECTIONS SLOPE PROTECTION EXPANSION JOINTS BACKFILL Ca Bldg Code Chapter 31F 8
3. Evaluation and Methodology Wharf 7 Wharf 7 Deck Plan Condition Assessment Ratings: SOFFIT 4 TOP PILES 3 PILE 5 BULKHEAD CONNECTIONS SLOPE PROTECTION EXPANSION JOINTS BACKFILL Ca Bldg Code Chapter 31F 9
3. Evaluation and Methodology Past Retrofits Typical Pile Jacketing & Splicing 10
3. Evaluation and Methodology Subsurface Profiles Wharf 6 ½ Soils Profile 11
3. Evaluation and Methodology Subsurface Profiles Wharf 7 Soils Profile 12
4. Findings and Recommendations Wharf 6 ½ Option #1: Limited Action, 350 PSF Option #2: Original Capacity, 400 PSF Option #3: Upgrade to Modern Facility, 1,000 PSF Option #4: Wharf Replacement, 1,000 PSF 13
4. Findings and Recommendations Wharf 7 Option 1: Limited Action, 200 PSF Option 2: Original Capacity, 400 PSF 400 PSF Option 3: Upgrade to Modern Facility, 1,000 PSF Option 4: Wharf Replacement, 1,000 PSF 14
Cost Estimate Assumptions 5. ROM Cost Estimate Summary Cost Estimate Assumptions Condition Assessment Above Water Visual Inspection Limited Assessment to “Typical Area” Does not include: Buildings and infrastructure (i.e. rails) Fire protection Utilities Mechanical Electrical Dredging Engineering Permitting Hazardous materials 15
5. ROM Cost Estimate Summary Rough Order of Magnitude Total Estimated Marine Structures Capital Costs Wharf 6 ½ Wharf 7 Total Option 1 * Limited Action $1,000,000 $2,000,000 $3,000,000 Option 2 Original Capacity $4,000,000 $21,000,000 $25,000,000 Option 3 Upgrade to Modern Fac. $28,000,000 $57,000,000 $85,000,000 Option 4 Wharf Replacement $35,000,000 $70,000,000 $105,000,000 * - Does not include berthing and mooring hardware costs 16
6. Path Forward / Questions Piers 6 ½ & 7 Prelim Condition Assessment & Evaluation on Existing Rails Bulkhead Wall Evaluation for Surcharge - Scope Development Select a Future Use Consistent with Program Goals Create a Work Plan to Achieve the Goals Piers 6 Preliminary Condition Assessment & Evaluation for Future Uses Piers 5 Preliminary Condition Assessment & Evaluation for Future Rail Use 17
6. Path Forward / Questions 18