Verb Review: Perfect System 2014
Perfect System Tense Review
The perfect stem is the third principal part – i. Finding the Perfect Stem Find the third principal part of the verb. duco ducere duxi doctus The perfect stem is the third principal part – i. duxi - i = dux
Perfect Active Tense i imus istis isti erunt it The present active tense = Present Stem + Present Active Endings Singular Plural First Person i I imus we istis Second Person isti you you he, she, it erunt they Third Person it Perfect Active Endings
Perfect Active dux i dux imus dux istis dux isti dux dux erunt it First Person dux i I led I have led I did lead dux imus We led We have led We did lead You led You have led You did lead Second Person dux istis dux isti You led You have led You did lead Third Person dux it dux erunt They led They have led They did lead He led He has led He did lead Perfect Active
Perfect Passive Tense 4th PP + Present Tense of “sum” Perfect Passive ductus – a - um sum I have been led ductus – a - um es You have been led ductus –a -um est He has been led ducti –ae -a sumus We have been led You have been led ducti –ae –a estis They have been led ducti – ae -a sunt
Past Perfect/Pluperfect Tense had -ERA- had -ERA- had had had -ERA-
E. Rat HAD the flu last winter.
Past Perfect/Pluperfect Tense had -ERA- had -ERA- had had had -ERA-
Past Perfect/Pluperfect Active Tense Perfect Stem + era + Personal Endings I had led dux era m You had led dux era s He had led dux era t dux era mus We had led dux era tis You had led nt dux They had led era
Past Perfect/Pluperfect Passive Tense 4th PP + imperfect Tense of Sum ductus – a - um eram I had been led ductus – a - um eras You had been led ductus –a -um erat He had been led We had been led ducti –ae -a eramus ducti –ae –a eratis You had been led ducti – ae -a erant They had been led
Future Perfect Active Tense Perfect Stem + eri + Present Endings Pluperfect Active dux er o I will have led dux eri s You will have led dux eri t He will have led dux eri mus We will have led You will have led dux eri tis They will have led dux eri nt
Future Perfect Passive Tense PPP + Future Tense of Sum Future Perfect Passive Tense ductus – a - um ero I will have been led ductus – a - um eris You will have been led ductus –a -um erit He will have been led ducti –ae -a erimus We will have been led You will have been led ducti –ae –a eritis They will have been led ducti – ae -a erunt
Perfect Passive System 1. Uses the fourth principal part which is called the perfect passive participle (PPP). amo, amare, amavi, amatus. -a. -um 2. The perfect passive participle (PPP) is a verbal adjective and must agree with the subject of the sentence. If the subject is puella (feminine singular), the PPP will be ducta. If the subject is puellae (feminine plural), the PPP will be ductae. If the subject is vir (masculine singular), the PPP will be ductus. If the subject is viri (masculine plural), the PPP will be ducti. If the subject is oppidum (neuter singular), the PPP will be ductum. If the subject is oppida (neuter plural), the PPP will be ducta.