Fourth Railway Package Technical Pillar Hearing at the European Parliament, Brussels 7 May 2013 José GORTAZAR Chief Technical Officer, CAF
Today’s situation in vehicle authorisation Complex cross-border operations require separate authorisations for every Member State where the vehicle will operate Member States apply different rules 11000 different national rules must be applied for authorisation in addition to European specifications (TSIs) no single European market Costly and time consuming assets worth 1.2 billion Euros in vehicles awaiting the authorisation authorisation processes can last more than 2 years! Fourth Railway Package is needed by the European rail industry and is fully supported by UNIFE!
Old solutions have failed: cross acceptance In the past cross acceptance was regarded as the solution BUT The 11000 national technical rules make cross-acceptance practically impossible
What the industry needs: a single European authorisation A single European Railway Area and a Single European Market need a single European Railway Agency a single European authorisation issued by the Agency with a defined area of use unified procedures and rules
Procedures vary from Member State to Member State Today’s system … Technical File Prepared by Applicant Assessed by NoBo & DeBo Authorisation Issued by the NSA 1 Placing on the market in country of NSA 1 Issued by the NSA x Placing on the market in country of NSA x Issued by the NSA x+1 Placing on the market in country of NSA x+1 TODAY Procedures vary from Member State to Member State
TOMORROW – ERA as One-Stop-Shop to overcome today‘s obstacles … and how it could work TOMORROW – ERA as One-Stop-Shop to overcome today‘s obstacles Technical File Prepared by Applicant Assessed by NoBo & DeBo Authorisation Issued by ERA acting as one-stop-shop RU decision for placing in commercial service Done by the RU by updating its Safety Management System
How the cooperation could work in details during a transition period Applicant addresses ERA NSA 1 Endorsement of the conformity assessment 1 ERA Issuing the vehicle authorisation with full ERA responsibility NSA x Endorsement of the conformity assessment x NSA x+1 Endorsement of the conformity assessment x+1 Final target: ERA fully acting as one-stop-shop issuing the vehicle authorisation N.B.:TSI conformity assessment to be endorsed by either ERA or one of the NSAs involved
Coverage of the vehicle authorisation Technical Specifications for Interoperability (TSI) National Rules Member State 1 National Rules Member State x National Rules Member State x+1 AREA OF USE The vehicle authorisation includes the compatibility between the vehicle and network or groups of networks
ERA and NSAs could share their tasks Transition Vehicle authorisation in more than (>) 1 Member State Vehicle authorisation in 1 Member State Vehicle Authorisation ERA NSA or ERA* (choice of the applicant) Use of Vehicles RU Supervision NSA Final target: ERA fully acting as one-stop-shop issuing the vehicle authorisation *NSA or ERA will apply all the same procedure and the same rules
Elimination of unnecessary national technical rules Today Tomorrow National technical Rules Member State 1 National technical Rules Member State x National technical Rules Member State 1 National technical Rules Member State x+1 National technical Rules Member State x National technical Rules Member State x+1 Technical Specifications for Interoperability Technical Specifications for Interoperability
The industry supports it! How it could work Important elements of a new European authorisation system ERA fully responsible for vehicle authorisation issued ERA as one-stop-shop & Guardian of procedures Evolutionary approach towards European vehicle authorisation Applicant to define the area of use Area of use fully covered by vehicle authorisation (technical compatibility) The current Commission proposal is compatible will all the above points and the priorities of the sector! The industry supports it!
Conclusion Railway industry needs a harmonised European approach for Vehicle Authorisation Time is of the essence Technical Pillar of the Fourth Railway Package should not be slowed down by the other parts of the package
Thank you for your attention!