Wednesday, January 23, 2019
PUP 1/23 Attendance Summary #3 Bird Box Challenge Turn in to the bin when finished Period ends at 8:00AM
Reading MAP bhwinterr195747 Do something quietly not on your iPad when you are done Raise your hand to go to the bathroom/leave the room for any reason Trash needs to be cleaned up
Attendance/collect permission slips Finish CH 3 if needed Literature 1/23 (4th, 7th, 9th) Attendance/collect permission slips Finish CH 3 if needed Save the Last Word for Me HW: permission slips due Friday
Save the Last Word for Me Fold your paper in half. Find a quote from CH 3 that you think is significant. Write your quote on one side of your folded paper. On the inside, write an explanation of why you believe that quote is significant and what it shows. Have each group member go around and make a guess as to why you chose that quote as significant. Write their guesses on the back of your card with their name. Reveal why you chose the quote.
Literature 1/23 (5th and 8th) Attendance/collect permission slips CH 4 quiz Continue reading CH 4