Our collective ambition -for the benefit of people with or at risk of lung disease: To be the respiratory leader within the lung health community that thinks comprehensively about the whole person and involves them in decision making For lung disease to have parity with CV disease and diabetes To challenge complacency, where respiratory diagnosis and management is not taken seriously That demands professionals are trained to do the job they do For the basics, informed by evidence and value, to be done the right way as standard To raise the bar and be 'cutting edge' through a passion for excellence and improvement That prioritises respect, inclusivity, joy and camaraderie - bringing people together / providing the catalyst for change
What we offer… Respiratory Clinical Leadership Investing in you and your future Programme of workshops and support Primary Care Respiratory Update Practical advice and guidance Keeping you up to date in respiratory care Affiliated Groups Programme Network of support Tools to help address common issues Sharing solutions In Touch Our fortnightly e-update of respiratory news and member information npj: Primary Care Respiratory Medicine Official Journal of PCRS Online learning, tools and meetings
Next meeting:- Mobilise support for your idea – the case for change 7-8 June 2019, Hallmark Hotel, Derby Midland
PCRS Affiliated Groups The Primary Care Respiratory Society Working together to make a real difference in respiratory care PCRS Affiliated Groups A PCRS Affiliated group is the ideal way to connect colleagues together in a local area. If there isn’t a group near you, why not create your own?
More information and registration details https://www.pcrs-uk.org/annual-conference
Top current resources Treatment Guidelines for COPD - Going for GOLD https://pcrs-uk.org/treatment-guidelines-copd-going-gold Asthma Guidelines in Practice https://pcrs-uk.org/asthma-guidelines-practice Stepping down ICS in COPD https://pcrs-uk.org/stepping-down-ics-copd Tobacco dependency – Pragmatic Guide https://www.pcrs-uk.org/resource/tobacco-dependency-pragmatic-guide Respiratory Service Framework https://pcrs-uk.org/population-focused-respiratory-service-framework Fit to Care https://pcrs-uk.org/fit-care