Cassio Leandro Barbosa W51 IRS2 Cassio Leandro Barbosa
Outline What we know What we don't know T-ReCS, NIFS PseudoLong Slit Analysis (PLSA) What we don't know NIFS Principal Component Analysis (PCA) Pilot project on PCA of HII regions Questions not allowed for this part!
W51 IRS2 introducing
W51 IRS2
W51 IRS2
W51 IRS2
W51 IRS2
W51 IRS2 introducing the field
The W51 IRS2 field
Mid Infrared - T-ReCS
Near Infrared – NIFS PLS Analysis
Near Infrared – NIFS PLS Analysis
NIFS: enters the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) With special thanks to Joao Steiner and Tiago Ricci (IAG-USP)
W51 – the continuum (21035A-21342A) emission (and reflection?)
Double stars? after a R-L deconvolution
Image and spectra “Feature enhanced” Br gamma, blue cont. and red cont.
Nebular emission from the lines 2. 2864 um ([Se IV] Nebular emission from the lines 2.2864 um ([Se IV]? Blum & MacGregor 2008) and 2.2858 um 233 231 235
Nebular emission from the lines 2. 2865 ([Se IV]. )um and 2 Nebular emission from the lines 2.2865 ([Se IV]?)um and 2.2858 um 233 231 235
The He I 21126 A emission
The [Fe III] 22184 A emission
The H2 21218 A emission
The W51-235 fragmented H2 cloud H2 at rest + red and blue wings
Field 233
W51 - Conclusions Ideal (complicate) lab for massive star formation: all stages of MSF in a such small region. 2 naked O3 (and where are the mid/late O??) 3 UCHII regions 1 (or 3?) MYSO with disk 1 younger MYSO producing a jet(?) Photoionized nebulae (high/medium) Non-fragmented H2 clouds Fragmented H2 clouds More stars to come or ionization front?
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