The “Language” of Emotion: EQ: How can we “read” the emotions of others???
I. Facial Expression: People “wear” their emotions on their faces Our mouth, eyes, brow, cheeks and even our nose can give away our emotional state Even the color of our face can indicate emotion Our Amygdala helps us to tell what another person is feeling at any given time, although we may be wrong
II. Body Language: How people position their body can give us clues about how they feel People who are aggressive may often attempt to make themselves look bigger People who are shy may try to make themselves look smaller People who like us may get closer to us whereas people who don’t like us may keep their distance What people do with their hands is also an indicator of their feelings
III. Vocal Inflection: How a person talks may denote an emotional state Many people, when angered for example, will raise their voice Sad people will have often display a soft and uneven tone in their voice Happy people often talk louder and faster than normal Knowing that individual can help us gauge better how they are felling.
What is he feeling???
What is she feeling???
What is he feeling???
What is she feeling???