Midterm Goal Review Date: __________ On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate your overall progress toward accomplishing your goal? _______ On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate your effort in accomplishing your goal? ______ What specific actions have you taken to make an effort in achieving your goal? (For example, tutoring, agenda book, checking your grades, website, redoing low grades, etc.) If you need to adjust your goal, write it here: **Please email at or see me in the hallway, at lunch, before school, or during tutoring if you need to discuss your goal. Quarterly Goal Review-How did it go? Date: __________ Did you meet your goal for this quarter? _____________ Explain what you did that helped you meet your goal, or if you did not meet your goal, explain what you should have done to meet your goal. What were the biggest challenges in working towards your goal?