Study of MDC tuning.


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Presentation transcript:

Study of MDC tuning

Tracking eff v.s. Transverse Momentum (proton)

Tracking eff v.s. Transverse Momentum (antiproton)

Tracking eff v.s. Transverse Momentum (positive pion)

Tracking eff v.s. Transverse Momentum (negative pion)

Tracking eff v.s. cos[theta] (proton) WRONG!!!

Tracking eff v.s. cos[theta] (antiproton) WRONG!!!

Tracking eff v.s. cos[theta] (positive pion)

Tracking eff v.s. cos[theta] (negative pion)

Muon momentum resolution Previous /GeV New / GeV σ data 1.61873× 10 −2 ±5.38342× 10 −6 σ MC 1.57002× 10 −2 ±4.72154× 10 −6 1.62509× 10 −2 ±4.03548× 10 −6 σ MC/σ data – 1 (%) −3.00915±0.0434885 0.462708±0.0416868

Tracking eff v.s. cos[theta] (proton)

Hit eff (new MC)

Tracking eff v.s. cos[theta] (proton)

Tracking eff v.s. cos[theta] (antiproton)