ADSC: The International Association of Foundation Drilling
What is the ADSC? The Association is an international trade association comprised of foundation drilling and anchored geo-support contractors (Contractor Members), manufacturers and suppliers to the industries (Associate Members), and engineering and design professionals from both public and private sectors, as well as professors and students engaged in construction and/or engineering related education programs (Technical Affiliate Members).
ADSC Vision Statement “To continue to be the recognized world leader in research, development, education, and the design of drilled shaft and complimentary geo-support construction.” This includes micropile design, construction, testing, research, and education.
The Work of the ADSC... Establish Standards and Specifications for the Foundation Drilling and Anchored Geo-Support Industries Conduct Design, Construction, and Inspection Seminars worldwide Hold Meetings Fund and Conduct Original Research Promote Ethical Practices Develop Technical Materials Serve as a Clearinghouse for Information Provide Educational Scholarships Interface with Corresponding Industries Establish International Labor Management Agreements Provide a Forum for the Free Flow of Ideas Stimulate Industry Growth Maintain Government Liaison at International, National, Regional, and Local Levels Carry on University Liaison
ADSC Publications FOUNDATION DRILLING Magazine, published eight times a year, is an information-packed colorful magazine dealing with the latest developments in the foundation drilling and anchored geo-support industries. Subscriptions are available for $75 for one year in the U.S. and Canada, and $95 per year outside of the U.S. and Canada.
ADSC Technical Library Service The ADSC publishes a complete Technical Library Catalog, listing over 250 titles, which is available free upon request from the ADSC office. It contains a description of all technical materials available, including management aids, films, videos, audio/visual presentations, and books.
ADSC Micropile Committee The ADSC maintains Technical Committees, each of which is charged with addressing the important issues that come under the purview of each specific technology represented by the association.
ADSC Micropile Committee The Micropile Committee is chaired by Tom Armour, P.E., President, D.B.M. Contractors, Inc., Federal Way, Washington. Armour is a member of the ADSC’s Board of Directors. This committee is comprised of contractors, design engineers, and manufacturers and suppliers involved in micropile research, design, and construction. Among other tasks, the committee deals with such topics as developing specifications, design procedures, construction methods, and quality assurance.
ADSC Micropile Committee Committee meetings are held four times each year in conjunction with the quarterly meetings of the ADSC Board of Directors, and at such other times when deemed necessary. Typical attendance at these meetings is 30 to 40 members.
ADSC Micropile Committee The ADSC Micropile Committee carries on a liaison with similar entities in corresponding organizations such as the Deep Foundations Institute, and the Geo-Institute of the American Society of Civil Engineers.
ADSC Micropile Committee A special subcommittee of the Standing Committee is currently developing a micropile technology transfer program under contract to the United States’ Federal Highway Administration, wherein micropile design and construction training courses will be offered to U.S. State Departments of Transportation. Co-Chairmen of that subcommittee are Tom Armour and Donald Bruce. The ADSC is participating as a partner with the U.S. Federal Highway Administration’s Geotechnical Research Division in developing original research modalities for micropiles.
ADSC Micropile Committee The ADSC will be providing organizational and technical services to the International Workshop on Micropiles. To that end, the ADSC will be organizing the first IWM International Conference on Micropiles, to be held in November 2003 at a location to be determined. Donald Bruce is the Chairman of that conference.
ADSC: The International Association of Foundation Drilling Contact Information Mailing Address: P.O. Box 550339 Dallas, TX 75355-0339 Physical Address: 9696 Skillman Street Suite 280 Dallas, TX 75243 Telephone: (214) 343-2091 FAX: (214) 343-2384 Email: Web Site: Executive Director: S. Scot Litke