IT ISN’T CRIMES AGAINST MUSIC! Can you work out what type of crime we will be investigating today from the clip? IT ISN’T CRIMES AGAINST MUSIC!
Highwaymen in the eighteenth century L.O. To investigate the reasons for the growth of the Highwayman. By the end of this lesson... ALL OF US will be able to describe the crimes of the highwayman. (E-D) EVEN BETTER IF you can explain why this crime grew in the seventeenth century. (C-B) EXCELLENT IF you can judge which causes were most important in the rise of this sort of crime. (A)
The legend of Turpin was different to the reality because… Highway robbery was… Stand and deliver was… Dick Turpin was… The legend of Turpin was different to the reality because…
The problem of Highwaymen was one which grew very much during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, but why? Using the list of factors you have been given identify which seven led to the development of highwaymen and for each, explain how.
Now it is time to self assess your work today. By the end of this lesson... ALL OF US will be able to describe the crimes of the highwayman. (E-D) EVEN BETTER IF you can explain why this crime grew in the seventeenth century. (C-B) EXCELLENT IF you can judge which causes were most important in the rise of this sort of crime. (A) 5