Multifunctional Materials Sixth Framework Programme Specific Support Action EC-INCO-CT-2005-016414 M I S S I O N WP9: Closing Conference Multifunctional Materials and New Processes with Environmental Impact And finally, I shall briefly draw your attention to the last work package of Mission, dedicated to the organization of the Closing Conference which will take place in March 2008 Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
participants, advisors, To highlight and assess Sixth Framework Programme Specific Support Action EC-INCO-CT-2005-016414 M I S S I O N WP9: Objectives To bring together participants, advisors, partners and interested parties To present and discuss the results of the project To highlight and assess the achievements and future trends of the MISSION Centre What are the objectives of this last meeting? First - To bring together participants, partners and interested parties like representatives of industrial enterprises, legal and public authorities; To present the work accomplished according to the project; To discuss the achievements of the Mission Centre and its future tasks. The Conference will take place in four main sessions dedicated to the target thematic areas that you were already acquainted with. Along with the senior researchers, opportunities will be given to young scientists working on the project, to present their results. A round-table will be organized within the Closing Conference that will be dedicated to Challenge Materials for Sustainable Society Development. An overview of advanced materials that could be the target of future projects will be presented. Four sessions focused on the target thematic areas Round-table: Challenge Materials for Sustainable Society Development Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
M I S S I O N WP9: Expected Results Sixth Framework Programme Specific Support Action EC-INCO-CT-2005-016414 M I S S I O N WP9: Expected Results Strengthening of the contacts between MISSION participants, partners and young scientists Improved linkage to the economic and social community What we expect as a result is: To strengthen the contacts between MISSION participants, present and future partners, with special emphasis on the young scientists, who will disseminate their acquired knowledge to their new working places; To improve our links to the economic and social community, which would result in a better understanding of their needs and demands; And in general – a better understanding of the environmental aspects of materials science will be achieved. Better understanding and knowledge in the field of materials science with emphasis on environment Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences